Miscellaneous > Site Improvement

Broken links to other threads


As some of you must know, the site has a new URL. This has broken most of the links I posted directing readers to previous threads where the information they seek was already posted. Basically you take the old link

Example: {H teeteepee colon slash slash} sunn.ampage.org/sdp/index.php/topic,6815.0.html

And replace the underlined portion with: sunnforum.ampage.org/index.php

If you find a broken link, any Global Moderator can edit the thread to fix the link. Just PM me or any of the other mods. Sorry, I can't fix broken links to other sites or to picture hosting sites unless you know the correct URL. Most of those should still work if the link is still valid.

I'm going to sticky this; anybody who finds an old link please PM one of us so we can get the site back to full functionality.


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