Author Topic: Fuzz Pedals  (Read 41796 times)

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Fuzz Pedals
« on: October 12, 2009, 03:19:18 pm »
So I'm looking to get a fuzz pedal.  I play in a sludge(others might call it something different) band and right now we use just our amp distortion and it sounds pretty good, if I do say so myself.  As with most sludge we play a good amount of slow heavy riffs, but at times we play stuff that is pretty fast.  I've been trying out my friend's Big Muff Pi (with Tone Wicker).  I haven't gotten to indepth with it as of yet since I just got it from him yesterday.  Anyways, how do you guys think fuzz pedals sound when bands use them to play more up tempo stuff?  Does it just sound too muddy or what?  Any experience with stuff like this?

(Edit)- Also, I forgot to mention that we need a fairly decent amount of clarity for both of the guitars because we harmonize alot of chords.  I don't know if that will make any difference, but I figured I add it just incase.


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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 06:21:56 pm »
mann if you cant get clarity w/ the muff-something is upp!
wott amp(s) are you using?

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2009, 09:22:02 pm »
Don't get me wrong, from the tiny bit of playing with it that I did it was clear, but I'm talking about clarity of chords at a pretty fast tempo.

For this band I'm using a Hughes and Kettner Warp head.

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 08:43:23 am »
I like rat pedals a lot, Also there are these pedals buy Way Huge I was at a music shop and I tried the fat sandwich that pedal was awesome I was playing some slow, heavy riffage and i thought it sounded similar to the melvin playing their seem like you  can do a lot with that fuzz pedal to shape your tone. the only thing stopping me from buying it was the price. they wanted 179$ for it I guess if I had the cash I would have picked it up. Then again I have my rat. Both would be great for the fast stuff, in my opinion.
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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2009, 09:23:42 am »
the big muff doesn't exactly work in terms of clarity if you're are playing at an any faster than slow motion tempo.
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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2009, 11:53:20 am »
the big muff doesn't exactly work in terms of clarity if you're are playing at an any faster than slow motion tempo.

Ya, I've been looking into Keeley Fuzz Heads as of lately.  I hear they have quite a bit of clarity where as Muffs are more on the bass heavy side.  Also, there are so many option that can be altered on the Fuzz Head.

Offline xsolarusx

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2009, 09:19:21 am »
A muff is fine if you roll back the sustain and turn the tone knob forward, but then you lose(what I find to be) the 'sound' of the Muff.

The Rat is probably your best bet.  Really solid little pedal, and even though there are a variety of them from over the years, you won't be disappointed by any of the standard Rat pedals. I do find I prefer my 80's Rat compared to my more modern one, but if you can get one for $60 instead of close to triple that, go for it! If you can find one without an LED, hop on it, and I don't think you'll be disappointed.

How are you finding the Warp? I had one very briefly, and found the clean channel to be fantastic, but the distortion was a little too bland. Not a terrible head, for what it is, though.
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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2009, 03:58:44 pm »
Actually, I love my Warp head.  The clean channel, as you said, is fantasic.  As for the distortion, I really like it as well.  I have both a Warp X(newest model) and a Warp T(older model) and both distortions are really.... "crushing", for lack of a better word.

Offline wickedkingwickr

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2009, 10:13:30 am »
Man, all i can say is, check out the OXFUZZ.  Its made by Ken of Sons of Otis.  Beautiful pedal. Heavy, thick fuzz, but its very clear. You can still hear that woody sound of your guitar. Amazing.  I have a ton of fuzz pedals (muff, Rat, Boss pedals, too many to list) and the Oxfuzz is by far the best.  We also play heavy slow doom with moments of speed and clerity and the Oxfuzz is seriously amazing.  My rig goes back and forth between a 70's Sunn Model T and a Matamp GTO120. Works great with either.

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2009, 08:15:16 pm »
I just picked up a pedal by Brian Wampler.
 check them out.  very transparent pedals.  may be what you are looking for.  I got a special edition one for breast cancer.  it's pink.  my daughters love it.  goes from bluesy to snarly.  lots of gain and sustain.  it's an overdrive but he has fuzz too.  this particular pedal alows me to hear the Sunn amp and tele guitar.  never really noticed that with any other pedals I've had.

this is just my opinion, I'm not trying to sell anything or sell for Wampler pedals, I'm happy with it.  first distortion I've been happy with.

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2009, 09:31:02 am »
Actually, I love my Warp head.  The clean channel, as you said, is fantasic.  As for the distortion, I really like it as well.  I have both a Warp X(newest model) and a Warp T(older model) and both distortions are really.... "crushing", for lack of a better word.

I did find that the Warp head didn't really love pedals so much.  I mean, maybe it's a SS vs. tube thing, but I just found it a bit sterile when I played the rat through it. But 'crushing' is the appropriate term for that distortion.  I almost miss that head!
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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2009, 12:37:05 pm »
The only pedal I run through it as of right now is a delay.

Offline foxfire

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2009, 08:40:58 pm »
i'll third or forth the Rat and i'll suggest the D*A*M Meathead. they are pricey but they are brutal! i also like the Ibanez FZ7. they are way bad ass for what they cost. it was the best $25 i spent in a long while.

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Re: Fuzz Pedals
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2009, 10:37:17 am »
what tuning are you in?

if youre below B i would suggest a bass muff in conjuntion with an EQ pedal (EHX 10 band eq is by far my fav)

if youre above B i would suggest a subdecay F bomb. that pedal will keep riffs tight while pourin on the fuzz.

also if you dont have one get an eq pedal. you would be amazed at how awesome your existing rig will sound with just a few tweeks with one.