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« Last post by loudthud on Today at 02:18:04 pm »
Here's the build guide:

Apparently, no 2 Ohm tap.
« Last post by loudthud on Yesterday at 04:31:33 am »
Interesting, couldn't find any info on if it has a 2 Ohm output tap.
« Last post by Oli on Yesterday at 03:10:49 am »

just found this very interesting Link - maybe interesting for customers in the EU:

P.S.: I have no experience with this shop but it looks very interesting.
Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by Soundmasterg on September 09, 2024, 11:49:11 pm »
Hi Boys, long time no talk. I haven't been on the forums for a while. I took a contract in the Automotive industry a few years ago, and because I'm ALSO not getting any younger, I had to focus on that exclusively.

I plan to gradually get mentally out of the corporate mindset and get back in touch with the right hemisphere of my brain.
We'll see how that goes... :)

Good to hear from you Ed! Like you I've had to get in the right headspace in order to continue to make money and haven't bene playing much at all. I spent 2 years getting my duplex ready to sell, then sold it and bought a house, which needed work, and then got run into and have spent the last couple years working on cars so I can sell them and get to just what I need. Unfortunately that leaves little time to enjoy my hobbies.

It's important though for peace of mind if nothing else. I fully plan to get back into playing and building guitars and amps and going out to jams and playing shows. I think the sooner you're able to rejoin that world the better for your mental health also.  :-D

I do plan to make it back to the Dayton museum for a better look at the airplanes there one of these days. Hope you're doing well otherwise!

Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by loudthud on September 07, 2024, 03:52:32 pm »
I have been wondering lately, just how many of us old musicians had a piano in the house where we grew up ? I did. Never really learned to play it, but it came in handy when I was taking Music Theory class.
Q & A / Re: Facing facts
« Last post by EdBass on September 07, 2024, 12:55:20 pm »
Hi Boys, long time no talk. I haven't been on the forums for a while. I took a contract in the Automotive industry a few years ago, and because I'm ALSO not getting any younger, I had to focus on that exclusively.

I plan to gradually get mentally out of the corporate mindset and get back in touch with the right hemisphere of my brain.
We'll see how that goes... :)
Classified / sunn-beta-lead-tech-special
« Last post by nosaj on August 24, 2024, 03:57:48 pm »

I have a Sunn Beta Lead Tech special. The guy i got it from had problems with the output transistors so he bought another output board but never got around to it. I will never get around to it so heres a bone for someone.

Asking $150 plus shipping
Q & A / Re: Sunn 200s with Rivera Rockcrusher recording?
« Last post by Soundmasterg on August 22, 2024, 11:09:58 pm »
This quote you put in your question was from a post I did quite a few years back

The other thing to consider is that there are other voltages in the amp besides the B+ voltage, and if you are going to play around with the AC supply with a variac, then it will affect these voltages too. The bias voltage, the heater voltage.....all of these will change if you change the AC supply, but they won't change other words if you change the AC supply by 5 volts, it doesn't mean than the DC voltages in the amp will change by the same amount, and the AC voltages like the heater also won't change in proportion necessarily. The bias would also have to be readjusted to run the amp at whatever lower voltage you plan to run it at, and once that is done you can never run it at a higher AC supply without readjusting the bias.

It is much easier to go with series connected caps for the first two filter stages in the amp and get 700v rating, use a 500v cap for the third section, and a 450v cap for the last section. The can caps are stressed in these amps and discrete caps are much cheaper anyway than cans these days. Another possibility you might consider would be the cap boards the Triode sells. Personally on the Sunn bass amps, I like using higher filtration in the plate and screen supplies, which are the first two stages. The bass tightens up and the hum goes down....though if you decide to do this using a solid state rectifier is mandatory if you go over 60uF filtering on the first cap stage.

I was specifically talking about if someone was going to use a variac to adjust the line voltage down below whatever it was at the wall to power the amp, and also was talking about upgrading the caps in the power supply and the things to consider if doing so. I don't recall what the rest of the conversation was about in this thread though.

I agree with Loudthud here. There are some technical questions that must be answered about how your amp is wired, and the caps in the power supply must be in good shape to be able to use the Rockcrusher without voiding Rivera's warranty from what I can see. So you need someone knowledgeable in vintage Sunn amps to take a look at it and see the condition and how the output is wired before you can proceed further. The info you quoted from me might come into play if you need to change the electrolytic filter caps in the power supply, and you need to understand what is trying to be done and the advice I am giving to be able to proceed from there. Any good tech should be able to understand it, so if you don't think you have the chops, then please find a good tech. I'm willing to explain further from that quote if necessary but in order for any of us to help adequately, we need you to consult with a good tech to provide the info we need.

Q & A / Re: Sunn 200s with Rivera Rockcrusher recording?
« Last post by Smoothwound on August 21, 2024, 11:55:21 pm »
Appreciate your candid reply. That amp means the world to me. It was just used all over the new FISHBONE album and it still sounds great. I would never want to compromise its integrity. I will get some assistance in answering your questions, get the proper photos and resubmit, knowing full well it still might be a fools errand to use the Rockcrusher. I suppose there are other methods to achieve that fully saturated tube power without attenuating. Thanks again.
Q & A / Re: Sunn 200s with Rivera Rockcrusher recording?
« Last post by loudthud on August 20, 2024, 03:24:08 am »
But The Rockcrusher Warning below, has me freaked out. Can anyone tell me if it's ok to use or not? I have already read this content, ...

Before anyone can answer this question, the answers to some highly technical questions must be known. And frankly, I don't have the highest confidence that you can answer them. Because wrong answers may result in damage to your amp, the Rivera Rockcrusher, or bodily injury to yourself, it is strongly suggested that you take the amp to someone locally and have the amp and speaker cabinet examined.

We need to know the impedance of your speaker cabinet. You have shown a picture of the back of one of the speakers, but we need to know if the two speakers in the cabinet are wired in series or in parallel.

Next, we need to know what impedance taps are wired to the speaker jacks on your amp. This requires opening up the amp and comparing the wiring to info and pictures in this thread:

Using a Variac: Again, this is a highly technical procedure that can easily damage you amp in ways that can cost more to repair than the amp is worth. I cannot recommend you try using one. This is not something that can be explained to you in a couple of paragraphs on the internet.

That being said, You should be made aware that amplifiers manufactured 50 years ago do not meet current standards for safety and reliability. They are not up to the task of even a 12 week tour. Unless they are totally rebuilt, they must be treated like they may fail at any time while being used.
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