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Q & A / Re: Sunn coliseum head red knob
« Last post by Isaac on January 26, 2025, 09:45:17 am »
My impression is that the Coliseum Lead was the least popular model. While bassists and keyboard players liked the clean, high powered amps, guitar players preferred the distortion from tube amps. That John Entwistle played bass through Coliseum amps didn't hurt at all, but guitar players wanted Marshalls.
Q & A / Re: Sunn coliseum head red knob
« Last post by Provzbass on January 24, 2025, 08:24:53 am »
Thank you.  I will take some pictures.   It is a coliseum lead head.
Q & A / Re: Recently Repaired 1968 Blowing Fuses... What to do?
« Last post by loudthud on January 24, 2025, 06:04:18 am »
I think I remember the issue with tubes being too high to be installed. What you had to do was remove the chassis from the head shell, install the tubes, then re-install the chassis in the head shell.
Q & A / Re: Recently Repaired 1968 Blowing Fuses... What to do?
« Last post by sntz2 on January 22, 2025, 09:42:08 am »
Thanks for all your helpful comments

This should be the correct schematic for your amp. If your amp has a 7199 tube, it's the correct one. If your amp has a 6AN8, it's the 60W version like the 200S. Is there a date or inspection sticker anywhere on the amp ?

Didn't post a photo of it, but I do have a shot of a '68 inspection date from the inside. It's the 40W version with the 7199 on the tube diagram, another reason why the tech wanted to go with 5881s. Unfortunately without blowing a ton of cash on vintage tubes (an offer the tech made) I can't find stubby enough EL34s that could physically fit. Rebuilding the headshell to fit taller tubes is a future project.

The burnt resistor actually was there before the tech worked on it. Seemingly, the amp actually worked with it as I played it for a few months in that state.

None of these photos are mine unfortunately, just the techs. I don't have high voltage equipment and know just enough to know I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to opening an old tube amp, discharging the caps, etc.

How do y'all think I should approach the tech? I'm also waiting on additional fuses to try to see if it blows again.
Q & A / Re: Sunn coliseum head red knob
« Last post by loudthud on January 20, 2025, 09:39:31 pm »
The info you have given is too vague to give anything except a vague price. The amp needs an accurate date and model name. Usually inside the amp is an inspection sticker or a date written on the chassis. There are several models in Coliseum series, you need to state exactly which one.

These amps are not widely sought after so you probably won't find anything like an established price. Check the Vintage Guitar Price Guide or any other price guide you can find. Check Ebay and Reverb for any sold examples.
Q & A / Sunn coliseum head red knob
« Last post by Provzbass on January 20, 2025, 07:29:05 pm »
Hi I have a sunn coliseum head that I am looking to sell.   Can you give me a ballpark price as to what I should sell it for.   I just had it serviced.   Thank you for your help.   
Q & A / Re: Recently Repaired 1968 Blowing Fuses... What to do?
« Last post by Isaac on January 20, 2025, 11:09:35 am »
When I was a technician in the Navy, we were allowed to replace a blown fuse once. If it blew again, troubleshooting began.

I don't recommend this in your case, though. The burnt resistor indicates an existing problem. The fuse blew, preventing it from getting worse. Putting another fuse in might allow the problem to get worse.

LOUDTHUD has made some good suggestions, if you're inclined to tackle the problem yourself. Otherwise, I'd take it back to the technician and tell him, "You missed something."
Q & A / Re: Sunn 215 JBL vs. 215 transducer speakers quality difference
« Last post by Isaac on January 20, 2025, 11:00:53 am »
I wouldn't say that. The volume control on the 200S amplifier is able to set an appropriate level.

In my opinion, the JBL speakers simply sound better, and are always the better option, if available.
General Discussion / Re: Repro Sunn Products
« Last post by Soundmasterg on January 18, 2025, 04:05:15 pm »
I too saw the Sunn offerings, which is great. I was thinking about ordering some for myself. The first gen grille cloth should be the same as what came on my very early 2000S without the bass boost switch right? I think it is the same stuff that AIMS used for their amps too. I happen to have an early 70's AIMS amp that I need to restore. I always liked Sunn's was thicker and more robust than what Fender used in the era.

General Discussion / Re: Repro Sunn Products
« Last post by loudthud on January 17, 2025, 06:21:31 pm »
I'd like to see someone who makes reproduction head shells for 40 and 60 Watt heads. I think they are identical for 40 and 60s, the 120W heads are just longer.
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