Thanks for all your helpful comments
This should be the correct schematic for your amp. If your amp has a 7199 tube, it's the correct one. If your amp has a 6AN8, it's the 60W version like the 200S. Is there a date or inspection sticker anywhere on the amp ?
Didn't post a photo of it, but I do have a shot of a '68 inspection date from the inside. It's the 40W version with the 7199 on the tube diagram, another reason why the tech wanted to go with 5881s. Unfortunately without blowing a ton of cash on vintage tubes (an offer the tech made) I can't find stubby enough EL34s that could physically fit. Rebuilding the headshell to fit taller tubes is a future project.
The burnt resistor actually was there before the tech worked on it. Seemingly, the amp actually worked with it as I played it for a few months in that state.
None of these photos are mine unfortunately, just the techs. I don't have high voltage equipment and know just enough to know I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to opening an old tube amp, discharging the caps, etc.
How do y'all think I should approach the tech? I'm also waiting on additional fuses to try to see if it blows again.