hey nice thread!
I worship Sunn Amps and lead a doom stoner sludge band...and I'm working on a drone doom ambiant project by myself...
I'm the only string player in my band (scream, baritone and drum) so I manage to sound huge! baritone lespaul and Sunn Amps...
Here's the pics I've took when I just came back from getting those 2 baby in mint condition for a awazingly low price!
I'm looking to get a 3rd amp (1971 Sunn Solarus with 1x15 Sunn Cab) this weekend if it's not sold already...the more amp the more voices...the more huge is the tone!
A DMM is amazing on 2 amps...on each side...I now have a Laney head in a Traynor 2x15 just for the fx out of the DMM...
2 Big Muff, one Bass on the Sonaro and the Wicker on Laney and Solarus...use the dry/direct outs to split the signals...no lost!
I'll post pics of my actual setup later...I need 3 mics the record the 3 different voices...hahaha!
Keep the Doom alive!