Author Topic: Broken links to other threads  (Read 6188 times)

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Offline loudthud

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Broken links to other threads
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:10:27 pm »
As some of you must know, the site has a new URL. This has broken most of the links I posted directing readers to previous threads where the information they seek was already posted. Basically you take the old link

Example: {H teeteepee colon slash slash},6815.0.html

And replace the underlined portion with:

If you find a broken link, any Global Moderator can edit the thread to fix the link. Just PM me or any of the other mods. Sorry, I can't fix broken links to other sites or to picture hosting sites unless you know the correct URL. Most of those should still work if the link is still valid.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 07:48:50 am by EdBass »

Offline EdBass

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Re: Broken links to other threads
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 07:48:11 am »
I'm going to sticky this; anybody who finds an old link please PM one of us so we can get the site back to full functionality.