Author Topic: wattage handlings between cab and amp?  (Read 3939 times)

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wattage handlings between cab and amp?
« on: October 26, 2005, 03:55:26 pm »
I understand that lower wattage speakers are just as loud as higher wattage speakers at a lower output on the amplifier, but in order to get more of a "tube" sound, the amplifier ought to be cranked most the way up. But with sunn amps, or any other, would there be any difference other than that when you use a 200 watt amp with only a 60 watt cab, for example?

Offline EdBass

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wattage handlings between cab and amp?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2005, 05:07:11 pm »
I understand that lower wattage speakers are just as loud as higher wattage speakers at a lower output on the amplifier, but in order to get more of a "tube" sound, the amplifier ought to be cranked most the way up.

Do you mean more of a "tube" sound or "distortion" sound? The harder you work it the more distortion an amp will produce, but you normally get a good "tube" sound at any level. The advantage most tube amps have over most SS amps is usually described as "warmth", it's kind of a softness/depth/harmonically rich tone that a lot of people find desireable over the more harsh/sterile/abrupt sound of a lot of SS amps. Regardless, lower wattage speakers are generally more efficient than higher wattage ones, i.e; they make more noise at less current, but will "break up" at lower levels causing their own kind of distortion. This can be very EXPENSIVE distortion. In your 200 watt amp/ 60 watt speaker scenario, you will probably be ok until the amp starts distorting, most speakers have an extraordinary ability to handle clean sine wave. Once that beast starts clipping all hell will break loose. On the plus side, it's kinda fun to play Mr. Wizard with sound gear, and low wattage speakers are fairly inexpensive. Be carefull with that 200 watt amp, particularly if it's all tube. You could smoke an output trans when the speaker disembowles itself and the load goes away abruptly, possibly causing much financial grief. I think an output trans for your 1000S is about $400. Have fun and always stand at a safe distance.


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wattage handlings between cab and amp?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2005, 09:26:49 pm »
seeing as though I got the whole thing for 300 bucks... 400 seems a little rough...

I was particularly planning on a 240 watt cab for my amp which is actually 280 watts, I just made up the 200 into 60 as an example.

Offline EdBass

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wattage handlings between cab and amp?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2005, 04:04:41 pm »
You are talking about the 1000S you mentioned in your other posts, correct? If so, you have 120 watts, not 280 watts, and should have no problems with a 240 watt rated cab. The tone you will get should be all amplifier without any speaker breakup of any consequence.
Hopefully, you won’t need a new output transformer. There may be others, but the only accurate replacements I have found are from Mercury Magnetics, the Axiom Tone Clone Series #SUNN2000-O. They are listed as for the 2000S, but your amp is identical in the output stage. You can find them at;
They are $400 plus shipping unless you order multiple units.
Without good transformers, your $300 amp is almost worthless. Other than MAYBE the tubes (depending on make, vintage and condition), the other components are a dime a dozen.
If it’s in good, clean, fully functioning condition you got a steal at $300. You could double your money on ebay fairly easily.
By the way, in the other post about the 1000S prototype those guys are talking about a smaller 24" wide 100S chassis, factory modified to deliver similar output to your 30" wide production model. They truly are rare and valuable. I want one.

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wattage handlings between cab and amp?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2005, 05:34:43 pm »
Edbass, have you seen the replacement transformers that Triode Electronics sells? I've heard good things about these, and also about the Magnequest transformers for Sunn replacements.


Offline EdBass

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wattage handlings between cab and amp?
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2005, 06:58:49 pm »
I bought a couple of Triode Dynaclone A431S with the intention of building a couple of Mark 3 clones for home use, but like most of my bright ideas I've never got around to it. They seem to be dead on the original Dynaco A431. I'll probably just keep them around in case I toast one of my 200S or 100S heads. I haven't seen any iron from Triode that would work with a 2000S class amp, though. The Magnequest stuff looks great, and their propaganda sounds like they are a first class product, but again nothing in the 100 watt range.