The sunn Forum

Sunn Musical Equipment => Q & A => Topic started by: Gorgon Stonemason on September 10, 2016, 08:16:33 am

Title: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Gorgon Stonemason on September 10, 2016, 08:16:33 am
Hello everyone.

I recently bought this Sunn cabinet. I thought at first it was a 200, but now that I've done a bit a research, I don't think so. The dimensions match the Orion and Aquarius cabs, not the 200.

The thing is, it doesn't match any pics of the Orion cab I've seen, and I can't find any Aquarius pics. The top lip, in particular - on mine it's slanted.

Here's the pics. The third is with the top back panel removed to show the interior construction. (The bottom one doesn't seem to be removable). There are no electronics inside and the speakers are not original. That said, it sounds really good.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: EdBass on September 10, 2016, 10:05:40 am
It almost has to be an Orion wearing the wrong grill cloth, or a non Sunn with a Sunn badge. Do the dimensions match the catalog spec fpr an Orion? Also, I'm pretty sure that Orions had the power amps inside the speaker cabs, similar to the big Acoustic rigs in the 70's; is there any evidence of that in your cab?
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Gorgon Stonemason on September 10, 2016, 01:10:44 pm
I just looked at again, and realized that I have the cab upside down in the pics (I can see where casters were removed from what I thought was the top). The smaller panel on the back is at the bottom, not the top, and has the speaker jacks.  That suggests to me that there were electronics there at one time - why else would you have two panels, and put the jacks at the bottom of the cabinet?

That also means the slant backs on the front edges are at the bottom, not the top, which is why I never saw them in the pics.

It does match the catalog measurements specs for the Orion. The construction seems correct as well. Perhaps it was an extension cab? Or someone took out the electronics? The speakers were replaced at some time, and that may explain the grill cloth as well. The grill itself has the white plastic velcro-ish things that I've seen in other Sunn pics.

But without hearing from someone who knows the Orion cabs I can't say 100%.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Gorgon Stonemason on September 10, 2016, 09:37:45 pm
Holy Cow! I was browsing this forum and found this post from loudthud in 2008:


Orion cabinets on Ebay
« on: August 08, 2008, 11:42:43 am »
Some of you probably saw this strange auction on ebay for a couple of old cabinets.

Once the dimensions were posted, it became clear to me that these are Orion cabinets. Note the panel on the back where the power amp was mounted. Also, the triangular portion that seems to be missing from the front seems to correlate with the catalog picture that shows no metal corners on the bottom of the front. These might be the only two in exsistance.


My cabinet has those features! Unfortunately the eBay auction is long gone so I can't see those pics.

Can someone post or link me to the catalog page picture that loudthud was referring to?
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Isaac on September 11, 2016, 08:46:27 am
There was what I'm sure was an Orion cabinet for sale here some years ago. I didn't buy it because I had no need for it, no room for it, and can't afford to buy stuff just because it's cool.

But it would have been cool.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: loudthud on September 12, 2016, 08:29:33 pm
I dug up the pics from that old ebay auction that I had stored as backup on a zip100 drive. Had to search for a USB Zip100 drive. Turns out I have two ha ha. Walmart wanted $20 for the cable but I used the one from my scanner.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Gorgon Stonemason on September 14, 2016, 08:59:54 am
Thanks loudthud. It's fortunate that your zip drive still works; those things are prone to sudden death.

Those cabs are exactly like mine, except that the tolex on my back panel matches the rest of the cabinet and has a plate with two speaker jacks. OK cool, I have an Orion cab!  :-D

The cab has Eminence 1518s in it now. Pretty good speakers, but lacking midrange to my ears. (I'm used to Celestion Vintage 30's and Weber British speakers). I wonder what would go better in there - Eminence Big Bens perhaps? Or would it be worth it to track down JBLs? The description of those as hi-fi puts me off a bit.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Isaac on September 15, 2016, 08:28:44 am
What about that description puts you off?

My personal opinion is that "hi-fi" has come to mean anything but, usually with lots of high end sizzle and a depressed midrange. Actual hi-fi means flat response, no frequencies accentuated or suppressed. That's what the JBLs are like. I have a 200S cabinet with the original JBLs that has been tested as virtually flat from 50Hz to 2000Hz, with a well-behaved 12dB/octave roll off above 2K. That's the kind of response you should expect if you dig up some JBL D140 drivers. For a lot of people, that results in rather more low end than they like. Not big, boomy bass, just really low. A lot of amplifiers and speakers roll off the low end for various reasons, so most people have never heard what 50Hz sounds like. As a result, a lot of people think that a big boost around 100Hz is what deep bass sounds like.

IMO, nothing would sound better in those cabinets than D140s. However, those drivers were designed back when amplifier power was expensive, and there was a premium on efficiency rather than high power handling. They're not going to like a kilowatt on a low B. The K 140 should sound exactly the same, but will handle twice the power.

I find it interesting that the Eminence 1518 strikes you as lacking midrange. It actually has a fairly large peak in its response in the midrange. See the response curve:
If the 1518 lacks midrange, then you really wouldn't like the JBLs.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Gorgon Stonemason on September 16, 2016, 11:46:32 pm
I should clarify - I found them lacking in midrange when driven by a Dual Showman, which is not a midrange-rich amp (I usually run it, like my silverface amps, into celestion-type speakers for that reason). With an Orange TH100 or an SVT they sounded fine, though "scooped" compared to what I'm used to. You're right, I probably wouldn't like the JBLs, for guitar anyway. For bass they'd probably sound fantastic.
Title: Re: Please help me identify this Sunn Cabinet
Post by: Isaac on September 18, 2016, 11:39:52 am
Yeah, it occurred to me after I posted that that you were probably thinking in terms of guitar rather than bass. These days I'm working pretty exclusively on the low end, bass guitar and a little keyboard, so I'm looking at deep lows and a flat response overall. Rather different from what a guitarist might want.