The sunn Forum
Sunn Musical Equipment => Q & A => Topic started by: mckinnon audio on July 13, 2008, 02:24:02 pm
Hi there,here's one for ya,a customer comes to me with a red knob Sunn Concert Bass amp that he found in a garbage pile by the side of the road !! It actually works,the #1 input is bad and the Brit sw. doesn't work,but it goes on the bench tomorrow for a rebuild.Wish I could find a Sunn amp that way,Mel.
-'s time to go dumpster diving...smiles
I keep reading about these "miracle finds", but nothing like that ever happens to me!! (sniff,,)
Yeah I know the feeling all to well,looks like I need to assemble a dumpster diving possee and go round up these amps,I'll keep posting what I find,Mel.