The sunn Forum

Miscellaneous => Classified => Topic started by: snarzdar on August 27, 2011, 10:11:19 pm

Title: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: snarzdar on August 27, 2011, 10:11:19 pm
It's an original sunn beta lead switch. I use it on my beta bass and everything appears to work fine. I have no way of checking the reverb channel but I'm sure it's fine.

Anyone want to make an offer before I put it on eBay?
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: At_Giza on August 27, 2011, 10:27:27 pm
I just got one off of eBay for $42.
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: EdBass on August 28, 2011, 08:23:43 am
It's an original sunn beta lead switch. I use it on my beta bass and everything appears to work fine. I have no way of checking the reverb channel but I'm sure it's fine.

Anyone want to make an offer before I put it on eBay?

What would you take for it? This isn't a bidding site.
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: snarzdar on August 28, 2011, 08:55:08 pm
I'm not really sure, to be honest. I talk to quite a few of you guys on and off the board and figured I'd offer it up here before throwing it up on ebay.

Is that OK with you?
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: EdBass on August 28, 2011, 10:34:08 pm
Okey Dokey with me. I put the Sunn gear I put up for sale in the classified section here for at least a week or more before I list it on eBay or CL, and I encourage all forum members to give fellow Sunn-o-philes first chance.
So, how much do you want for it?

No offence intended, but this site (and others like it) just isn’t set up for "bidding"; it's not a level playing field. Unlike eBay, on a forum like this one "bidders" don't have a measuring stick to follow where the bidding currently is, the seller holds all the cards.

Using At_Giza's example; At_Giza could have been willing to pay $100 for the pedal that was won for $42, and could have even put in a $100 bid, but eBay levels the playing field for potential buyers by only advancing their bid above the current high bid level - just like it happens in a real, non cyberspace auction.
If someone “bids” on a classified ad on an enthusiast’s forum, there is no such backup; the seller could potentially rape a fellow forum member rather than getting a fair market value for the product.
As far as I’m concerned anyone can pay as much as the feel like for something, I hope you get $250 for your pedal, and I certainly always want maximum money for the things I sell; but it’s not a fair negotiation and it’s almost like trying to take advantage of the other forum members here. I’m not suggesting that is your intention; I’m sure it isn’t, but like I said this classified section just isn’t set up for bidding.

If you really want to see how much the market will bear rather than settle on a price you will accept, list it on eBay and link it here to give forum members a fair shot at it.
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: MammothVolume on August 28, 2011, 10:58:11 pm
Ed, you should really sticky something stating that, I've only been here a couple weeks, and I've seen you type that whole thing out five times? Just a suggestion, buddy!  :-D :-D
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: arenavore on August 28, 2011, 11:25:01 pm
actually, just a general list of forum rules would be great.  Like the no cussing rule for example.  Never saw a thing about that when I joined.
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: EdBass on August 29, 2011, 12:17:58 am
actually, just a general list of forum rules would be great.  Like the no cussing rule for example.  Never saw a thing about that when I joined.

I don't know that there are official "rules". This forum has a rather convoluted history; almost went away completely in fact. It only exists now because of the generosity of one dude, but that's a loooong story.
The Mods here are pretty much on their own. My "rules" are what I've adopted from other, larger, successful forums I'm on also. Most real forums don't allow cussing, personal attacks, etc.; things go south real fast if it's an "anything goes" environment, and by far the majority of members here act civil and responsible and don't appreciate it when others don't.
I know this because when someone starts dropping F bombs, doesn't treat others with respect, or otherwise acts like an immature self centered jerk my in-box lights up like a Christmas tree.
Here's a more analytical perspective; there are about 3000 members here, 27000 posts and I've edited maybe a dozen posts for foul language. Relative to the whole of the members here, how should that data be interpreted as far as general consensus on cursing?
For the years that I've been a Mod here, my "rules" haven't been criticised by the actual "powers that be", so I plan to keep doing what I think is best until they are.

So, there you have it.

As far as bidding is concerned, truthfully, it's only happened a few times and mostly only lately. Mostly members try to sell things here and then go to the 'bay or CL if they don't sell. This "bidding" thing is a recent phenomenon, and this time it was a solid member that's been around for a while and seems to be a true Sunn-o-phile, so I thought I'd try to be more civil and explain myself a little better.  :-D
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: snarzdar on August 29, 2011, 09:10:28 am
Yeah, sorry for any confusion (on my end). I'm just really not sure what the thing is worth. I've seen the boutique clones on ebay (buy it now) for 100 bucks. I wouldn't expect to sell this foot switch for 100 dollars. I realize they are asking that price for a new hand made product. "stonah" from Croatia agreed $75 would be a fair price, but I just checked USPS.COM and I don't think the shipping costs would be worth it. (roughly 50 bucks)

Like I said before, I didn't put a price up because I wasn't sure what I could get for it. I'd much rather sell it here to one of you guys and potentially miss out on a better profit on ebay. If "stonah" doesn't feel like paying the ridiculous shipping costs (I'll probably just knock the price down and do $100 bucks shipped to Croatia) I'd probably let it go for $50 plus shipping in the US. I'll probably end up putting it in a large priority flat rate box. I think it would fit. I'd have to grab the pedal from our practice space to make sure.
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: MammothVolume on August 29, 2011, 09:53:36 am
It was just a suggestion to save ya fingaz a little bit of grief, buddy!

Foul language when it's in general speaking, not as an attack, is totally fine with me. It's just how some people talk. I understand your reasoning though.
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: EdBass on August 29, 2011, 12:45:56 pm
Yeah, sorry for any confusion (on my end). I'm just really not sure what the thing is worth. I've seen the boutique clones on ebay (buy it now) for 100 bucks. I wouldn't expect to sell this foot switch for 100 dollars. I realize they are asking that price for a new hand made product.

I think that an authentic vintage piece like yours is a better choice than a modern boutique pedal, and should be worth at least as much as a new cloned one on the open market.
I am positive that in 10-15 years the original will be worth substantially more than a clone pedal bought today.
It's different than a modern clone boutique amp vs. the original; that switching pedal, well the connector anyway, only works on Sunn gear AFAIK.
Even the new Monolith Magma preamp uses a more practical 1/4" footswitch jack.
As far as collectability, a Beta Lead without a pedal has some value. A Beta Lead with a homemade or clone pedal should bring more, but… A Beta Lead with a factory pedal will always be by far the most collectable of those three choices.  If it were me looking to complete a Beta resto I wouldn’t even consider anything but a factory pedal; working or not.
It’s not exactly a complicated piece to fix, and it’s my opinion that the package would bring substantially more if offered together, as I said. Again, my opinion of course.

As far as At_Giza scoring one for $42; well, sometimes you just get lucky!
Title: Re: Beta lead foot switch
Post by: EdBass on August 29, 2011, 01:47:30 pm
It was just a suggestion to save ya fingaz a little bit of grief, buddy!

Foul language when it's in general speaking, not as an attack, is totally fine with me. It's just how some people talk. I understand your reasoning though.

Thanks for your concern, but I'm such an inept and slow typist that finger fatigue shouldn't be an issue.  :wink:

While my normal speech often gets quite "colorful"; particularly when I'm hanging with my homies, overall obscene language is considered rude, even ignorant in open public discussion.
In fact this was brought to my attention just this past Saturday at an Oktoberfest. I was in the middle of one of my animated soliloquies, entertaining my buds with some profanity laced story or another when I noticed it got quiet. Real quiet. Then I noticed the women folk had returned from the restrooms with the kiddies, snuck right up behind me, just in time to catch a particularly “colorful” observation I had made.
It was awkward; my wife was giving me the stink eye for all she was worth. One might just say I should have been more careful, but in truth the language was just not appropriate for the venue, and my use of said foul verbiage in that venue was in fact quite ignorant on my part.

This forum is also a public venue, and considering the lack of any disclaimers warning of R rated, “inappropriate for some viewers” content, coupled with the fact that I know there are underage members here I think a ban on profanity is likely in order.
Add that to my earlier comments about statistics, the behind the scenes reaction to obscenity I receive via PM and email, and the fact that while numerous persons object to the use of profanity I’ve never received a complaint about the lack of profanity, I’d call it a “no brainer”.

I don’t think we really need more discussion about this in open forum, as always if anybody wants to argue my viewpoint feel free to take it to PM; where you can use all the cuss words you want!   :-D