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Q & A / Sunn Beta lead footswitch socket - wiring colours
« Last post by Weaselsneezer78 on September 02, 2023, 02:59:10 pm »
Hi, hoping you guys can help me again.

I've cracked open my Beta lead to see how a previous owner has wired up a 5 pin DIN socket (pictured). I'm hoping to fashion a footswitch based on previous posts here, but using a DIN socket, or at some point may just replace the DIN for the original 4 pin.

My question - what is the colour coding for the socket wiring? Based on the footswitch schematic I've reasoned -
Black - ground
Blue - both channels (A+B)
White with grey shielding - single channel (AorB)
White no shielding - reverb

Is this correct, or am I completely off the mark?
Many thanks in advance.
Q & A / Re: New member - Sunn Beta lead footswitch socket
« Last post by Weaselsneezer78 on August 29, 2023, 02:56:22 pm »
That's awesome thank you! I'm based in the UK, here's hoping I can get hold of those - will go on the hunt. Much appreciated 👍🏻
Q & A / New member - Sunn Beta lead footswitch socket
« Last post by Weaselsneezer78 on August 29, 2023, 01:17:40 pm »
Hi, new member here. I've just acquired a Beta Lead, and a previous owner has removed the footswitch socket and replaced with what I believe is a 6pin DIN socket (pictured). Does anyone know of the part number for a replacement socket to revert back to the original? Or would I have more options sticking with the DIN socket anyway as far as footswitch choices go anyway? Not really sure what to use. Thanks all!
DIY / Re: sunn tolex - where to buy
« Last post by fazeka on August 02, 2023, 10:21:42 am »
Apparently Sunn is ramping up to build new amps again. For example, the 200S. Looks great, but it's pricey ($3200).

I reached out to them via email and asked about obtaining some tolex. I wasn't surprised by the answer but the hope is that they could offer it in the future:

"At the moment we are not able to sell Sunn Tolex as material only due to some restrictions but I [sic] maybe something we can offer in the future."
Q & A / Re: New member, questions/ID on a Sunn 200S
« Last post by fazeka on August 01, 2023, 10:41:18 am »
Very handy resource!  :-)
Q & A / Re: New member, questions/ID on a Sunn 200S
« Last post by loudthud on August 01, 2023, 07:16:48 am »
This thread contains info on various output transformer taps with pictures.
Q & A / Re: New member, questions/ID on a Sunn 200S
« Last post by Soundmasterg on July 31, 2023, 10:06:30 pm »
Taps are there for 4 ohm, 8 ohm, and 16 ohm. It just so happens that on your amp the 16 and 8 are on the back chassis. Sunn used a switching jack on one of the jacks but it is possible to wire up whichever impedance you want. On an old 200S I used to have, I went with 3 normal jacks, drilled one more hole, and put all three impedances on the back.

Q & A / 115S/M/V cab speakers - Cerwin Vega model
« Last post by fazeka on July 31, 2023, 03:30:02 pm »
Hi all,

Have a friend who says he has a Sunn 115 in storage he's willing to give to me.

This is the one with the non-removable back panel and the silver grill cloth (Fender-like, turned 90 degrees), so I am thinking '72 to mid-(late-?) '70s (?). i.e., a Hartzell era cab.

Unsure if it's an S(Sunn), M (Magna) or V (Cerwin-Vega) version. Unfortunately, there's no driver in the cab. =(

Although I could pop just about any 15 in there, I was thinking that the original Cerwin-Vega would be cool, being the so-called best of the three versions.

However, I am finding next to no info on what Cerwin Vega could have come in the V version of that cab specifically.

Of the few references, I see one saying it would have been a M154. A few others saying a 153EV. One even saying a 158...  :?

Anyone know for certain?

At this point, even a period-era Cerwin Vega catalog could give me the stats/specs on whatever was available during that era.

Q & A / Re: New member, questions/ID on a Sunn 200S
« Last post by fazeka on July 30, 2023, 11:49:44 am »
Hi Greg,

Thanks for your reply and info on this amp.

As I've been researching other 200S's, one thing I'm confused on is that this one is the only one I've seen so far that has 16-ohm and 8-ohm outputs. All the other 200S's I've been looking at have 8-ohm and 4-ohm outputs.

Any idea why?
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