Author Topic: Is this forum for vintage Sunn users only?  (Read 2378 times)

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Offline snowsurfer

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Is this forum for vintage Sunn users only?
« on: October 17, 2002, 02:33:00 pm »
If not, I have some questions I am hoping you guys/gals may be able to help me with? I have a newer model Sunn Model T ( I think it is a 2000). I know it is not vintage and all that, but I happen to enjoy the hell out of it. Then again I am not an experienced musician which leads me too…..

I am trying to get two levels of distortion. One we will call my “normal” tone, and one that is more punchy. Right now, I am trying to use the effects loop (Fab Tone/Boss tuner). So I can have my normal tone, then punch the effects button for the punch. Problem: there is a small delay when I hit the switch. I also hate the tone of the pedal driven distortion.

I have tried to run the distortion pedal straight in the line (Amp/pedal/tuner/guitar) but then, I have to have it on the clean channel to hear that tone, then kick the effects pedal and the distortion pedal at the same time to get to my normal distortion tone. I do not like the sound of both pedal and the normal distortion together.

I guess what I am asking is, do any of you try to achieve this? Would an overdrive pedal be the answer instead of the distortion pedal? Am I an idiot? Does any of this make sense?

This is my first amp and I have only been playing about a year, so please try not to get too ‘techy’ if you can help!

Thank you very much in advance for any recommendations!
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Offline Greg Z

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Is this forum for vintage Sunn users only?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2002, 06:14:00 pm »
Valid Questions.
I must admit I know nothing about effects loops as none of my 15+ amps have such an animal.
What I can tell you is different pedals
sound different on different amps.
My fav. crunch tone is probably different than yours.
Borrow some dif. pedals and try them out.
Also new production amps tend to use cheesy tubes (both preamp and power) and these can and will effect tone. For instance nothing sounds quite as good in the first hole of my
'70 1200s as a rca 7025, I've tried the other high dollar tubes (mullard,tele).
Not the case in some of my other amps. Don't
be afraid to experiment.
Try a micro-boost or an overdrive pedal,maybe
 in conjunction with your dist. pedal.
Good luck and be patient,killer tone comes to those who wait.
Greg Z
to thine own sound be true

Offline Isaac

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Is this forum for vintage Sunn users only?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2002, 03:21:49 pm »
All Sunn users are vintage Sunn users now!