Hello, I may have a few less questions than that, but as the Earth's eliptical orbit differs throughout the year, one can never be sure of exact distance or exact abundance of inquiries....
First of all I'd like to request everyone's opinions and recommendations: I will soon be coming into the possession of a Sunn Beta Lead or Coliseum 880 or both. I play both bass and guitar, and need that disgusting distortion for guitar that I KNOW is supplied by a Beta Lead, as I've played through one recently. I also need the power of something like the Coliseum 880, as I will be playing bass through this fantasy Sunn mountain, and need VOLUME. I don't know if the 880 distortion matches that of the Beta, as I haven't used one, but I also loved that Beta reverb, and I know the 880 is not equipped. So, first set of question are: Would it be a good idea to combine these two, with the Beta as the preamp and the 880 for power?
Would they be friendly with one another?
Part 2:
Right now I have a Hartke 3500 Bass Head which is 350 watts at 8 ohms. I also have the matching Hartke 4x10 cabinet, and an SWR Goliath Jr. III 2x10 cabinet. I plan to sell these pieces, as I have been summoned by equipment of days long passed. What would be a suitable substitute as far as cabinets go?
If I could kind of replicate this set up (a 2x10 for practice combined with a 4x10 for performance) or something like it involving a smaller cab for practice and something bigger to combine for a live setup, this would be excellent. Keep in mind that this will be for bass or guitar, so I need something that will satisfy both, but consolidate as much as possible. What kind of cabs would you all recommend (brand, size, etc)? I assume I will need 4 ohm cabs, as this is what these amps are rated at.
So to summarize:
Will the Beta Lead and Coliseum 880 work well together?
What kind of speaker setups should I look for to satisfy the needs of these amps for bass and guitar?
WHERE do you all know of to get this stuff, besides Ebay?
AND FINALLY: Who wants to buy or trade for my Hartke 3500, Hartke 4x10, SWR 2x10, and Warwick 5-string Thumb Bass?
Thank you for reading a topic so intimidating. Your answer will save a musical soul that is frozen in silence as result of present equipment that does not share my vision. Goodnight.