I purchased a 300T about a year ago, and have been extremely happy with the sound. Problem is, I had to take it in for repair about 4 months after I bought it because the sound started cutting out after short periods of use. I thought maybe it was a tube problem and brought it in, and after several days at the store, they told me that it was an unrepairable problem and gave me a new one. All well and good, but after seven months I am having the same problem with the new one and dropped it off yesterday for them to look at it again.
I would love to be pissed off at somebody, but I wanted to make sure that it wasn't something that I had done wrong. I always give it time to warm up before playing and cool down after. It gets moved a lot, but always with the utmost care. (This is not an made for playing in a living room, nor storing in a garage, so it's enevitably going to get moved) I'm trying to take care of the amp as much as possible, am I missing something?
I'm also curious if anyone has heard of similar problems with the 300T. These two units were within 4 serial numbers of each other. Bad batch perhaps? I'm just SO frustrated, and my confidence in Sunn (not to mention my local music shop) is pretty much shot right now. Even if they replace it, how can I not worry about it breaking again 6 months down the road. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!