Author Topic: Sunn 2000S Guitar & Bass Heads  (Read 2282 times)

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Sunn 2000S Guitar & Bass Heads
« on: May 31, 2004, 07:00:40 am »
My name is Daniel,
I was wondering how I might be able to obtain a Owner's Manuel for the Sunn 2000s Amphead?
Also, I was wondering what is the difference between the 2000S basshead, verses the 2000S guitarhead?  The reason I ask is, because when I look into the back of my 2000S there is a socket that does not have a tube in it, and I've always wondered if it should have one?
I bought my 2000S head from my friend Mike about 20 years ago, and he did not have a Owner's Manuel,...... I guess it used to belong to his Uncle, who later gave it to him in 77', and I bought it from Mike, for $75.00 in 83'  (I love this Amp!!)
Then there is also the curiosity of what the one 1/4 phone jack and 1/8 red input jack is in the middle of the chassis, located between the 6550 rectifier tubes?  (Footswitching jacks?  Direct out?)
There is also a 2 prong female AC looking outlet, which is marked 400 Wattts,..could someone tell me what it is, and what is it used for?
Another question, is being how there is 4 Inputs, and I'm just guessing, but I take it that this is a two channel amp, and it does have 2 large size transfomers?  And if so, could I run both at the same time by running a patch cord form the top right input, (Upper Normal Input) then running it down to the bottom left Input, (Lower Bright Input) with the guitar in the top left Input, (Upper Bright input) so that both the bright and normal would both be in use at the same time?  (That is if it works that way?)
Also this amphead that I have, has a red boost switch on the front, and the 2 speaker output jacks are rated at 8 Ohms & 4 Ohms.
Any help, PDF, Images or resources would be most appreciated,