V3 and V4 are the driver stages.
The V1 preamp has preamp volume. Input signal
passes through 1/2 of the 12ax7, goes through mixer then passes through the other half of the 12ax7 then on to the master volume.
The V2 preamp is a two stage fixed gain amp. The input signal passes through both halves of the 12ax7, then through the mixer, and then on to the master volume.
Putting a 12au7 on a 12at7 in the V2 position will lower the gain of the 2 stage amp before the mixer. This will allow you to over drive the V1 preamp volume before both signals are combinered through the mixer ahead of the master volume. I am not sure what disortion benefits this will provide.
A great resource person to help out would be Bob at eurotubes.com He loves to achieve specific results and will know how.