First off, the info on the particular 190B I am looking it is found on the eBay page in which I am looking to buy it from.
Here is the eBay listing link.Okay, on to my question. I know this is marketed as a bass amp. However, I am wondering how it would fair with a guitar. From a good amount of reviews I have read on other Sunn bass heads, there are always those who play guitar through the amps, and speak very highly of the performance. On that comes to mind specifically is the 200S. I have searched this site for info on the 190B and a lot of the results show that it was basically a re-branded 200S with solid state rectification, am I correct here? Ive played through a 200S with a guitar, and I liked the result, so should the 190B peform similarly? As well, has anyone who frequents this board actually tried a guitar through a 190B and can give me some feedback?
I haven't found many user reviews of this amp, so I am coming here.
Thanks in advance for the help!