I feel that cool vintage amps deserve cool vintage guitars! I have a "67" 200S, a Concert Bass head and a Concert Slave head,My cabs are a 200S with Jbl D140's and a Sunn 3-12S, For recording or smaller rooms I use the 200S head and the D140 cab, for larger rooms I use the Concert Bass and Concert Slave with the 200S cab and 3-12S cab respectively.
I ues a "63" single pickup Gibson Thunderbird and a "69" Gibson EB-1, on occasion I will borrow my brothers Buzzard Bass! To the guy that wants to use two amps with the Rick Bass It will sound great! It's been a good 20 years since I've done it and I don't own any of the gear anymore
but I had a "73" Rick 4001 bass and I ran the bridge pickup through an original Model T head with a Sunn 610 cab loaded with JBL's ,I ran the neck pickup through a Hi-Watt 200 head with a Sunn 2000S cab with D140's and a prototype Music Man 18" folded Horn Cab.