Author Topic: Impedance Question Regarding "Re-issue" Model T 4x  (Read 1802 times)

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Offline thefelonwind

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Impedance Question Regarding "Re-issue" Model T 4x
« on: March 31, 2006, 03:48:56 pm »
I need some help here regarding how to use my Sunn Sorado with the Fender made Model T 4x12.

The two output jacks on the Sorado are 8 ohm and 4 ohm, and the cab, has parallel inputs rated at 16 ohm, mono. So what would be the best way to match up the impedance loads on the head and the cab? I figure I am going to have to do some rewiring in the cab.

The only solution I myself have thought of is running each speaker pair in parallel. This would give each pair an impedance of 8 ohms I beleive, and I would run one pair to the left channel, and one to the right making it a stereo cab rated at 4 ohms, is this correct? I beleive I have read on here that using the 4 ohm external speaker jack on the amp makes brings both jacks to 4 ohms? Or do I have this completely mixed up. If I am right, could I  then just run a speaker cord from each output jack on the amp into the two jacks on the cab?

Basic schematic from the Ask Rudy column I found on explaining graphically this procedure.

Please tell me if that solution is absurd or wrong, or anything, I am relatively new to impedance of speaker cabs. Also, if there is an easier solution, please tell me, especially a solution that can keep the cab mono so I could later daisy chain it with another cab if I ever want to use a full stack. I want this cab, but not if I wont be able to use it with my current head.


Offline Isaac

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Impedance Question Regarding "Re-issue" Model T 4x
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 05:57:22 pm »
IMO, the best way would be to wire the cabinet for 4 ohms, and plug into the 4 ohm jack.

Personally, I doubt you'd have any trouble if you just plugged the 16 ohm cabinet into the 8 ohm jack.

The way you describe would also work. I don't see any advantage to it, though.