On my cab there's no tolex it's black painted plywood with the folded horn. I picked it up for $80 with the guy telling me he thought one speaker's going and one's not original.
The speakers in it are:
1 squareback speaker (no sticker) with this information on it:
15 FAB8AB 67-7533
In google I get nothing for that information.
The other speaker has a black frame with the following information:
MH15RC 328914
The sticker is mostly torn and is unreadable. It seems to be a Utah according to a google search. It does sound pretty good.
Can someone give me some advice as to which one I should match to? I have a line on some squarebacks that might work - but I've no idea what's better for bass. Cost is an issue. Further on down the line I'd like to fix up the cab if someone has some info on how to do so. Thanks!