Are you considering the 4X10's with the 2x15? I might suggest a 2X10 would be a nice fit with it. If you are looking for a 4x10 by itself, I am partial to the Peavey's when it comes to value. Used ones can be purchased for good prices and they sound nice. Their 2X10's are good as well. You might also want to consider a pair of JBL 2118's in a cabinet used with your 2X15. Put a 1 mfd cap in line with them and tyou'll be amazed at the clarity and punch they add. The 15's kick you in the gut while the 8's cut through the mix. Rated for 200 watts, these little beasts can handle about anything you through at them. Course you'd have to built the cabinet...but then you could make it a perfect match for your 215 cabinet.