Author Topic: craigslist is GOD  (Read 7510 times)

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Offline matto)))

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craigslist is GOD
« on: June 15, 2010, 03:58:40 pm »
yesterday i spotted a model 8 sunn cab on cl for a decent price of $25.  i needed a replacement speaker for my 2x15 beta and thought this would be perfect for it.  i show up to the guys house and he's a huge grizzly guy with a huge beard covered in tattoos.  he shows me his basement which was wall to wall with concert venue speakers and ridiculous rack gear, and his 7-year old son was there and knew how to run it all.  his son was eager to show me how loud it could get, and these things shook the house, literally.  after i paid him the 25 he asked me if i was looking for anything else and told me to look around, thats when i saw a roland re 201 space echo in the corner.  i asked him how much he wanted for it and he told me to make an offer.  200? i asked, just because i wasnt sure if it worked.  he said ill do you one better.  50 dollars.  i'm guessing this guy was either really drunk (considering all the beer bottles around) or just liked me because we had the same black flag tattoo, but i could hardly contain myself.  he even let me take it with me and said i could pay him tomorrow.  as i left he said "dont tell anyone about my equipment, i have guns"
oh yeah, the space echo worked too.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 10:33:30 pm by matto))) »

Offline stanner

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Re: craigslist is GOD
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 06:05:35 pm »
that is a good story-ya just never know where the good stuff B!

Offline grimniggzy

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Re: craigslist is GOD
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 09:01:25 am »
Jeez, where are you located?
That dude sounds awesome.
Wish I could find some oldheads who love beer, gear and black flag to mentor me.
Sunn Coliseum Bass--->Sunn 215B
Sunn Beta Bass--->Ampeg 410HLF
Sunn Beta Lead--->Marshall 4X12
2 Sunn Concert Basses
3 Fender P's, 1 Fretless J, 2 Statss, AmpegPlexiBass
OC-2 + QTrons + RATs + VTBass