Last night I took a Conrad Blues Jammer amp out to Clydes Prime Rib here in Portland, Oregon. A local player, Steve Bradley wanted to try one out on a gig. He was doing a guitar duo with another great local player, Jim Messi. I had a wonderful time and shared some great Sunn stories. One fellow came up to me who had moved "out west" for the east coast. He was in a group in the late sixties while living in Ohio. He was a proud Sunn user back then and we were both blown away on our coincidental meeting. Another guy there was a 1972 Model T owner and plays the casino circuit.
The Blues Jammer stood head and shoulders above their favorite Fender amps. This morning I got an email from Steve Bradley and thought I would share it with you. Maybe some of you old-timers can relate to Steve' comments.
"It was great to see you at the rib and we all really enjoyed your
new Blues Jammer Amp.
Even audience members commented on the clarity and fullness.
The Blues Jr.'s are great for what they are but when you play the real
deal the difference is immediate.
A number of us are scheming to get our grubby mitts on a Blues Jammer. It's
just like we are teenagers again with our noses pressed against Peterts House of Music show windows
staring at the Showmans!
Too much fun! We should all really grow up but we are kinda
busy...maybe get to it later."
Thanks Steve, I'm 68 and still a kid at heart, loving what I do.
Conrad Sundholm