Sounds like a lack of general maintenance. Like automobiles, amps need routine maintenance. Also like cars, old ones are different than new ones and used technologies from a different era.
For one example, wall voltages are higher now. Just 10% or so, but if you understand what a transformer does you know that this increase is multiplied
several times before it hits the circuit, which is the reason for so many powers supply upgrade threads on this forum.
It seems that this maintenance is often ignored, and the amps often only go in for work when something breaks, and then only that specific issue is address; until something breaks again.
Expecting a "100% Original" unmaintained or updated 40 year old amp to perform well would be like driving a 1974 car for 40 years and never changing the oil, plugs, points, or adjusting the carburetor, only fixing what breaks and always wondering why it runs like crap and needs fixing all the time.
It seems that you are going for a major overhaul; good, stay on top of it!