Author Topic: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech  (Read 5888 times)

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Offline arenavore

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Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:40:12 am »
Okay, so I got a silverface Concert Lead head off of ebay back in November, and from the get-go I loved it.  Great tone, lots of power, etc.  However, round about mid-March, channel 2 (reverb channel, my choice as I'd rather have spring reverb than onboard distortion) suddenly (like, in the middle of band practice) loses a lot of its power and starts sounding noticeably thin and quiet compared to what it had been initially.  For a while I just used the other channel, as I couldn't afford to take it in to the local tech just yet.  However, it seemed to me that that channel started to loose power as well, and I had to run it with the volume maxed to keep up with my other head (Peavey MX Flite Case) on 5, whereas previously I'd been able to run them at the exact same volume setting and get about the same output power (note, when running both heads together, each was powering a 16 ohm 4x12, either a Peavey VTM or a Marshal JCM 800, and when used alone, each head would be powering both cabs together for an 8-ohm load.  I checked all impedances with a multimeter).

SOOOO, about three weeks ago, I took the Concert Lead in to the only music store in town that has a consistently available amp tech.  I was a bit hesitant to do so, as he had a poor track record of working with my gear--- I've had the MX head in his shop at least 4 times since I bought it (about 3 years ago) and sometimes he has taken up to two months to get it back to me despite the repairs he made being quite minor.  I've never met the guy in person, as he just stops by the music store once or twice a week to pick stuff up and drop stuff off.  So I described to the owner of the store what I wanted done with the amp--- that I wanted the 2nd channel checked, all the caps checked, the worn-out power chord replaced or repaired--- and he notes it all down and I leave, hopeful despite the odds.  Today I picked up the head, and while the power chord had clearly been repaired, when I went to try it out, the 2nd channel still had the same noticeable weakness of volume and thin tone, while the 1st channel--- though tonally exceptional as it always was--- had to be at 10 to produce anything even approaching the volume that it once produced at 7 or 8 or even 6 (I do have pretty high volume expectations, or maybe I'm losing my hearing).

It is worth noting that prior to putting this amp in for work, I did some research and discovered that it had been at least moderately modified at some point.  Someone had put an LED in the front (right in the middle of the O))) in the logo), and the light in the switch does not work.  And someone also removed the circuit breaker switch on the back and replaced it with a fuse.

I'm pretty new at the electronics thing and am still learning a lot of the basics about how amps work and how to diagnose them.  If anyone here has any ideas as to what my problem(s) could be I would appreciate it.  Is there anything I might be doing wrong?  Am I being an ass by dismissing the tech when i may be the one at fault?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 07:29:42 am by EdBass »

Offline Walt-Dogg

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 08:24:49 pm »
Ed, if you have something to say, say it. I'm curious as to why you would dis a new Sunn enthusiast and a first time poster.
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Offline EdBass

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 09:02:05 pm »
No "dis", just removed one inappropriate four letter word. It didn't alter the post in the slightest.
When I have something to say I'm not shy, for example; Why did you think your comment was better made in open forum rather than via PM?

Offline arenavore

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 02:13:23 am »
yeah, sorry.  I guess i sorta skimped on the manners there.  More to the point though, I'd appreciate any opinions/ advice anyone may have in the matter outlined above.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 02:23:05 am by arenavore »

Offline EdBass

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2011, 09:48:31 am »
SOOOO, about three weeks ago, I took the Concert Lead in to the only music store in town that has a consistently available amp tech.  I was a bit hesitant to do so, as he had a poor track record of working with my gear--- I've had the MX head in his shop at least 4 times since I bought it (about 3 years ago) and sometimes he has taken up to two months to get it back to me despite the repairs he made being quite minor.  I've never met the guy in person, as he just stops by the music store once or twice a week to pick stuff up and drop stuff off.  So I described to the owner of the store what I wanted done with the amp--- that I wanted the 2nd channel checked, all the caps checked, the worn-out power chord replaced or repaired--- and he notes it all down and I leave, hopeful despite the odds.  Today I picked up the head, and while the power chord had clearly been repaired, when I went to try it out, the 2nd channel still had the same noticeable weakness of volume and thin tone, while the 1st channel--- though tonally exceptional as it always was--- had to be at 10 to produce anything even approaching the volume that it once produced at 7 or 8 or even 6 (I do have pretty high volume expectations, or maybe I'm losing my hearing).

I think your problem is the situation itself. Since you are actually dealing with the store and not the tech, I would take it back to the store that took your money and ask them why the charged you for work not do/done wrong. That can be risky, because if they are truly the “only game in town”, your two month waits may turn into six month waits.
If you are sure that there is nobody else that you can get to do your work, I think it would be best if you could find a way to get the store out of the equation completely. The tech may be competent and the message is just getting garbled between you-store-tech; or the tech may just suck, the only way to find out is to somehow speak directly to the tech yourself.
If I were you the first thing I would do is beat the bushes around where you live looking for another tech. Whatever the situation is, it would seem that you are not getting treated properly and you probably need to give your money to someone who cares more about your satisfaction as a customer. Regardless, it seems to me that you need to get “mano a mano” with the person actually doing the work rather than a music store middleman.

Good Luck!

Offline Walt-Dogg

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 02:25:01 pm »
No "dis", just removed one inappropriate four letter word. It didn't alter the post in the slightest.
When I have something to say I'm not shy, for example; Why did you think your comment was better made in open forum rather than via PM?
The rest of my post disappeared (which pretty much has all of what you said in your last post...). Anyways, what you put in was just blatant slander. You could have just posted your last post and edited the word suck as opposed to being mysterious internet guy about it.

Gibson Les Paul Special
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Offline EdBass

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 08:46:52 pm »
No "dis", just removed one inappropriate four letter word. It didn't alter the post in the slightest.
When I have something to say I'm not shy, for example; Why did you think your comment was better made in open forum rather than via PM?
The rest of my post disappeared (which pretty much has all of what you said in your last post...). Anyways, what you put in was just blatant slander. You could have just posted your last post and edited the word suck as opposed to being mysterious internet guy about it.

I’ll try to address your concerns Walt, but I’m actually struggling to make any sense at all out of what you posted.
If the “rest” of your post disappeared, you didn’t post it to begin with. FYI; no post can be edited without leaving an “edit tag” on the bottom, not by a mod and not by the original poster.
By the way, you should learn the definition of fancy words before you try to use them to avoid appearing ignorant; and that’s not slander either, it’s advice…
I’ll bet you didn’t know that publicly calling someone slanderous could in fact be in itself considered “blatant slander”.
You have been here long enough to know that personal attacks are NOT cool; if you have issues take it to PM or report it to a mod. Play nice, or don’t play at all.

Think about that, Walt and if you truly don’t understand, PM me and I’ll answer any questions you may have, otherwise this discussion is over. Really; I’ll dump any further posts not relevant to the topic. This thread has been derailed enough already.

Sorry for the sidetrack, arenavore.

Offline LPB

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 10:05:55 pm »
I've had to ship amps to have them repaired before(they were a lot lighter than yours). Bust still, it might cost you and extra $60 or so when it's all said and done, but at least it will get done.

Offline cromag

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2011, 01:51:13 pm »
i've sent a beta bass down to yontz at mad science works.  great to deal with and very very affordable.  i may send him my coliseum lead to just give a goof thorough cleaning / upkeep.

Offline arenavore

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Re: Concert Lead issues vs. possibly incompetent/lazy tech
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2011, 02:12:43 pm »
yeah, I've found a guy who may be good for this in a town that's a few hours away from me.  Looks like it might be my best option.