Decided to part with my Sunn rig. The restoration is finished and I'm itching for a new project.

First the head. Its a 1971 Sunn 200s head. Made in June 1971. Solid state rectifier. Produces 83 watts at 5% distortion. In late 1971, they renamed this the 190B. So, this is one of the last 200s ever made. Completely serviced and ready to go for another 20 years. 3 prong cord. NOS Svetlana Winged C 6550's. $650 shipped anywhere in the 48 contiguous US states.

And next, the cab. Its a custom 1x15 made by LDS (Low Down Sound). Its loaded with a JBL E-130 which is has both greater sensitivity and more range than the original D-140. Conrad Sundholm furnished the matching tolex and grillcloth for this one. The Sunn badge was purchased on EBay. You get it and the original LDS badge. $400 shipped to the 48 US.

Or, buy the head and cab together and I will do it for $925 shipped.