Devil - On this site, listed under Service Manuals, you will find one for the Fender Model T. There is a section concerning tube replacement and the biasing procedure. For us boobs that can read, it clearly states a digital voltmeter and the voltage settings. If this is confusing, then you would be better off taking the amp to a qualified service person.
Jr - Bias determines the operating point of the tube, and can be set either by measuring the current through the tube (the Fender Model T uses "sensing resistors" in the cathode circuit that transform the current level to a small voltage reading), or by measuring the voltage on the grid (as was done with the Sunn Model T).
Adjustment of the bias maybe necessary when replacement tubes are installed - all tubes are not created equal, and even tubes from the same manufacturer and assembly line can vary in their conductance over a wide tolerance range. Adjustment of the bias allows you to compensate for tube tolerances.