I just picked up a Stagemaster 2x12 combo for pretty cheap and I love it! I am a little confused with it though.
I have googled enough to know the only way (unless anybody knows otherwise) I need to pick up the footswitch to use just one channel. I haven't grabbed one yet.
When I use the FX loop I hear the dry signal on top of the return. The volume will turn the return up and down but doesn't change the dry signal volume. I've tried with a few different boxes so I'm sure it's not my effects. There are high and low gain plugs and I get the same result on both. The pedals I've seen online don't seem to have anything pertaining to the fx loop. Does anybody know what's going on here?
I have given up on finding a manual for this thing online. I contacted fender and someone there is checking their archives but he told me they probably don't have one. I appreciate any help you guys can give me!