Author Topic: NEW / OLD SUNN SOLAUS!!!! New Member too!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!  (Read 2689 times)

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Offline AjaxLepinski

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Hi gents!!! 
Been a long time fan of Sunn.  My first amp was a Sentura II... bought it in 1977, when I was 17, with money earned while pumping gas.
Sold it, along with my analog recording gear in 1998 and I'm still kicking myself for doing so.

After going through a variety of amps, Marshall, Peavey, Yamaha, Fender, Randall, Hi-Tone (Hiwatt clone that I still have and love) I just bought a Solarus!!! YEAH MAN!!!
I just love the way a cranked Sunn sounds through a pair of EV SROs... heaven on Earth!!!   Back in the Sunn saddle again!

Someone removed the RCA connectors for the verb/trem foot switch and I plan on restoring this.
However, there is a lone, RCA jack on the back - it has a single yellow wire that goes to the trem PC board... anyone know what this does????

Anyway,  glad to be here!!!

« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 11:19:12 am by AjaxLepinski »
"Life is like bumper pool.  You try to avoid the bumps while hustling up a few bucks on the side" - Father Guido Sarducci

Offline AjaxLepinski

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Re: NEW / OLD SUNN SOLAUS!!!! New Member too!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2016, 09:23:11 pm »
Site looks a bit on the slow side.... the world needs more Sunn O))) !!!!!!  Yeah boi!!!

Got some NOS 7199's and caps.  Should have them installed tomorrow morning and by the afternoon, the neighbors will be calling the police! 

"Life is like bumper pool.  You try to avoid the bumps while hustling up a few bucks on the side" - Father Guido Sarducci