Is this an old ('70s) amp or the recent reissue? In either case the answer is yes, but there are a couple of things to consider.
First, you will need run a speaker load that is numerically twice what the output requires - i.e. if you pull two tubes, you would want to run an 8-ohm cab in the 4-ohm output, etc.
Second, the voltages inside will rise somewhat - this will affect the bias, though it probably won't be a big deal.
Finally, WHICH two you pull matters. The rule of thumb is USUALLY that you pull either the two outer or inner pairs - in any case, you would pull EITHER tube 1 or 2 AND tube 3 or 4. I don't know about the old Model T, but the big Sunn amps built on the 1200/2000 chassis are NOT set up this way, and you would pull 1 or 3 AND 2 or 4.