Well, I'm really seeking the true masters of gear knowledge with this one. I need recommendations.
I have 2 things in mind that I have to be able to do with the head I want to buy:
1. It has to go down to 2 ohms so I can run it into 2 4 ohm cabs. I have a reissue Model T (don't be haters) and I would then be able to run the XLR direct line out of the Model T into the Acoustic or Sunn bass or PA head, then into a 4 ohm 4x12, and a 4 ohm 2x15 w/ a horn.
2. It has to have a decent EQ because it has to double as an amp for a drum machine. In this scenario I would run the line out of a 4 track with drum machine tracks recorded into the Sunn or Acoustic bass or PA head, and then into the 2x15 cab with the horn. This way when playing live we can always have control over our drum machine volume/tone instead of just running it through a PA.
Some things I was looking into were a Coliseum Slave. I am worried about that because it doesn't have much for EQ at all. It can run the 2 ohm load and I can run both cabs, and I can use it for a poweramp when I run the line out of the Model T, so that's good.
Another was
http://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-SUNN-MIXER-PA-AMP-WITH-REVERB-BEAUTIFUL-COND_W0QQitemZ170081233060QQihZ007QQcategoryZ119022QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemNow, the problem is that it's only 50 watts, so I don't think it would be loud enough. Does anyone know if Sunn made any other models that were similar but higher output?
As far as Acoustic, and I know this is a Sunn forum, but I would assume people that are into loud ass Sunn amps are probably into other kinds of 70s loud as hell amps, too, anyway, the Acoustic 370 bass head looks like a good candidate.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Acoustic-Control-Corp-370-Bass-Amp-Head_W0QQitemZ110091719020QQihZ001QQcategoryZ121159QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemThe last thing I was thinking, and probably the thing I want the most, is this, the Acoustic 840 PA head. I'm pretty sure it goes down to 2 ohms, it has 6 channels with individual EQs for the channels, as well as a master EQ. It has reverb and is 200 watts at 2 ohms. I think that would be pretty loud for the drum machine and guitar intentions.
Well, that's what I was brain storming. If anyone has any recommendations about those particular models, or other things I should look into I would really appreciate it. Thanks!