You have a late model. Unfortunately I don't know what the insides look like so I can't really give you proper directions.
The ocean noise is caused by a dirty control, it's just not one on the front panel. It's on the power amp circuit board - it's a trimpot used to set the bias on the driver stage. It should have what looks like a screwdriver slot in the middle.
If you take the amp out of the case (unplug the amp from the wall outlet please!!), mark the position of the trimpot, spray it with control cleaner, rotate it with a screwdriver several times and repeat once before repositioning the trimpot to the mark you made it will clear up the ocean noise. Just make sure you let the control cleaner dry for a half hour before applying power to the amp.
The radio pickup is a slightly different problem - it's because the front controls are not correctly grounded as one or more of the securing nuts is loose. Remove all the knobs and tighten down all of the nuts (input jacks as well) about an 1/8th turn at a time - you want them evenly snug.
It helps if you do this nut tightening with a speaker connected and the amp powered up. A guitar cord in the normal input jack with the other end of the cord not connected to anything sometimes helps. Max out the tone controls and make sure the volume is up slightly so you can hear that the amp is on. Having the distort and boost on also helps.
By touching the metal shaft of a control with your finger (and moving from control to control) you can improve the reception. Snug up all of the nuts evenly until you can touch all of the control shafts without any radio pickup. Then you can put the knobs back on.
Make sure this makes sense to you before you attempt it. And ask questions if it doesn't make sense.