So if your car needed repairs and you were knowledgeable of how to do the repairs and had experience doing it, would you take it to a mechanic and get ripped for hundreds of dollars? I don't think so.
How is taking your car to a trained professional to be repaired getting “ripped”? I take my cars to real mechanics for just about everything, even though when I was in school I worked spinning wrenches at an auto repair shop.
Most of my cars are still under factory warranty, so it’s not a good analogy to the amp thing, but for what it costs to have my oil changed at a dealership, it’s flat not worth my time to do it myself.
So, to answer your theoretical question; Yes, I usually take my cars to factory trained professional, and yes I know how to do the majority of the work myself, but no, I don’t feel I’m being “ripped” by doing so.
I’m paying for the convenience of not interrupting my schedule, getting it fixed properly, and most importantly having fiscal recourse in the event it isn’t done to my satisfaction.
I notice some members on this board have sort of a fascist vibe going on, because he doesn't want to do what you would do he's gonna kill himself and should be lowered to the level of youtube fail? I don't think so.
Actually I would do it myself unless I was busy. Since it’s a hobby for me, I actually enjoy working on and learning about vintage amps.
There is nothing “fascist” in my comments. I and other posters on this forum who have some experience with working on these amps generally try to warn the less experienced members about the hazards of going past the “No user serviceable parts inside” warning labels in an attempt to be helpful, not “fascist”. In turn some of the seriously knowledgeable members correct my oversights as well.
In this case, Loudthud tried to caution, the OP posted assurance that they knew what they were doing, took a pot shot at those who actually DO know what they are doing; in essence inferred that years spent training were worthless, and then proceeded to post statements
confirming novice experience at best. IMO the quotes I took from the original posts by thehornedone are indicative of someone who does
not in fact have knowledge enough to safely work on a big voltage tube amp. Even the rebuttal to my attempted humorous post contains factoids that are inaccurate, but the points were made, so c'est la vie.
If you know what you're doing, dude and have done it before and have experience - go for it. I'm sure everyone is just giving you precaution which is understandable, but don't mind the sarcasm from the "guru's" on here.
Which brings me to this question;
What’s it to
you? To me it seemed like the situation was resolved; I reemphasized Loudthud’s caution, thehornedone saved face by rebutting my posts, points made and taken, situation resolved in a clean fashion. Done and finished.
Why show up and try to re stir the pot? Were you trying to defend thehornedone? It seems to me that thehornedone can handle themselves, and seemed to take my post in the lighthearted manner it was intended, why stick your nose in and throw around inflammatory words like fascist?
If you are still upset by my reining you in on your Model T fairy tale in late July, or by my PM to you regarding foul language in open forum in May, take it to PM rather than try to assert yourself in open forum and risk looking foolish.