Hi everybody this is my first post at this cool site,I have my flame-proof goggles and
shop apron ready if I get flamed!I do a part
time repair service for a local msic store
and I worked on this particular unit a couple
of months ago.To make a long story longer
-just kidding! I more or less ressurected
this lovely unit from the grave,apparently
the owner likes keeping his equipment in a barn in southeastern Ohio!! I had to replace all the pots (took hours busting thm free
with rust penetrator etc)I replaced burnt
power resisters,transisters capacitors,blah
blah,and it worked great,well this customer that has no respect for gear brings it back to the store saying the efx loop doesnt work
now,well I dont know if it ever did?! After
I loked and checked the various values of components and took DMM readings cant find anything wrong and now I cant get any out put to the speakers !!I am so pissed the only thing I noticed was a differnt reading on one of the pnp T-03 output devices? If anyone is familier with these units I wpould be mighty abliged for any input on this matter. Cheer's metalmike7