Hi gents!!!
Been a long time fan of Sunn. My first amp was a Sentura II... bought it in 1977, when I was 17, with money earned while pumping gas.
Sold it, along with my analog recording gear in 1998 and I'm still kicking myself for doing so.
After going through a variety of amps, Marshall, Peavey, Yamaha, Fender, Randall, Hi-Tone (Hiwatt clone that I still have and love) I just bought a Solarus!!! YEAH MAN!!!
I just love the way a cranked Sunn sounds through a pair of EV SROs... heaven on Earth!!! Back in the Sunn saddle again!
Someone removed the RCA connectors for the verb/trem foot switch and I plan on restoring this.
However, there is a lone, RCA jack on the back - it has a single yellow wire that goes to the trem PC board... anyone know what this does?
Anyway, glad to be here!!!