If you are playing at higher volumes, your Concert Bass alone might not have enough power for the clean output you expect. According to the Sunn Museum, it's rated at 150W RMS? By today's standards, that's a tepid output rating. Even the low- to mid-end heads by the common brands (Ampeg, GK, SWR, etc.) boast 200-400W RMS output, some with an additional biamp capability for highs.
Though I thoroughly think the Sunn heads are pretty sweet, you might find that in your current playing situation, it alone just doesn't have the power you need. You could always daisy chain off another CB head and use them together.
Also consider using speakers with higher efficiency ratings. This will help get the most volume out of your amp.
As far as the two cabinets go, I'd say to try it out! See what it sounds like. Plugging each cab into paralleled outputs 1 and 2 respectively should work fine. Assuming they're both 8 ohm cabs, the amp will see 4 ohms. Assuming the wiring at the cabs' input plates is correct, daisy chaining the cabs will work the same.