Good Morning Greg,
Let me begin by saying that, until recently, I WAS a member of the Fender Sales Team and was passionately involved with the Sunn product line. It broke my heart to see the line fail. There were several guys who WANTED that line to work; Ritchie Fliegler, Richard McDonald, several KEY designers and a handful of VERY talented players who saw room for a WHOMPING good line of PRO amps that would compete nicely with product lines that Fender didn't get involved in.
The amp that you speak about was the first to hit the streets as I recall.......and a lot of good players really liked the Model T stack. Please keep in mind that THIS Model T is not just a "re-issue". None of the FMIC Fender amps were supposed to be "just like" any of the old Sunn amps. The head was a monster and the cabinets are extremely well made.......sound fantastic......and can now be picked up for a song.
Why did the SUNN line fail? I'm asked that ALL the time. In MY Humble opinion, (and I can't say LOUDLY enough--IN MY OPINION) there were only a handful of people who tried to make it succeed. Many dealers didn't want to carry it and we didn't market it well at all. The bottom line? We had a GREAT line of amps that went into the toilet because a lot of players never got to see them or plug them in.
Grab the cabs, find yourself a Model T head NOW and enjoy life. Happy Holidays!!
Bass-ically Yours,
Rich Briere