blowing fuses sucks!
First thing, make sure that your wall supply is properly grounded.
cheap testers are available at radio shack or any home improvement store.
I say to start there cuz anytime you are going to be poking around inside of a voltage amplifier, which is what you are dealing with, you want to make sure that everythng is doing what it needs to do when it needs to do it.
second, you need to learn how to discharge the power supply caps. a six pack and a good conversation should get you there from your local amp tech. I say this cuz it's better to see it done then to read about how it can be done.
third, you need to learn how to read a multimeter and how to take voltage readings off of your power supply, which is very dangerous! don't do this after said 6-pack!
cleaning the pots is easy, as long as you know what not to touch and what not to spray.
I guess there is no short answer, if this approach is to long then just take it in, if you got time and want to learn it, stasrt at step one.