Author Topic: Ashdown vs 300T?  (Read 2386 times)

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Offline Phillip Bunton

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Ashdown vs 300T?
« on: July 17, 2000, 01:41:00 pm »
Probably asking the wrong board for a honest opinion, however, I currently own an Ashdown ABM500 head, with EDEN 210XLT and 115XLT ported cabs (thier high end models), but I am really after that driving sound that only comes with a full tube set up, so I am considering selling the AShdown and buying the 300T?  Questions are as follows:

Would it be worth it?
Would the 300T sound good with the ported EDEN cabs?  as I am not looking to change everything, and I like those cabs alot?
Can you get a really gritty overdrive, bordering on fuzz from channel 2?
Is the compressor that good?

I have been warned by a few people against Sunn now that Fender owns/makes the product, and truthfully have not found many reviews put out by neutral parties...

Also if anyone has any experience using a Sunn with a Rickenbacker bass I would dig hearing from you too.  I have a custom rick with vintage pickups, both the toaster and the horseshoe in my bass.  I play mostly rock and alternative (not too heavy), pickstyle, with just a few of our songs being a little funky being played thumb and slap style.

Sorry for the length, but this is alot of money at stake...

Offline Philip Noud

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Ashdown vs 300T?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2000, 12:22:00 am »
I have had a 300T for over 6 months. I play mostly a Gibson Thunderbird pickstyle. It really rocks. Fat and full, with that all
tube punch, drive, and bottom that rules. The dirty channel can get very dirty, and you can blend it in with the clean channel too.
Mine has been 100 percent reliable, I don't worry about Fender being the parent. The way I look at it, Fender wanted a
product that could compete against-and in my opinion- beat Ampeg at it's own game. Because the 300T is much more
versatile than an SVT. The compressor is split dual band and is blendable too. There is a 3 button footswitch for channel,
eq, and compression. I think your cab would sound good. The Sunn 410H (I have two) sounds very, very good, and only
costs $399. It is the match. Also, this is a very loud amp. I seldom get the volume past 4 on master and clean volume,
if I do, it is just too much for the band. The head is heavy (75 lbs.) but I will haul for tone. I think it looks way cool too, with
all that ventilation. I dig smelling the tubes after shutdown. Can't say the same for my old SVT3PRO. Go for it, shed your
skin and come on over to the tube side of bass. You will like it over here. 6550'sville.

Offline Phillip Bunton

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Ashdown vs 300T?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2000, 01:15:00 pm »
already on board, had my 300 T for about 2 weeks now and just today sold my Ashdown.  I cannot say enough about how that thing rocks.  My rick has never sounded so much like a rick, that second channel also have given me an overdrive sound that no pedal I have ever played through could match.  Needless to say I am pretty stoked, I wished that Fender Sunn would do a bit more with their website though, they have yet to reply to some questions I sent them a month ago.