oh no, i would never ever sell this horse. i bought it in 1999 in germany. it's running fine. but there are still a lot of 1200s (new) on ebay. there are also a lot of 300T's for a good price. there is a fender bassman (Nr?) on the market that is 100% the 1200S.
i'm using a 5 string base (phantom mephisto 1), so its down to b. it runs perfect with the amp. u got a compressor for the treble and and a second one for bass. thats gerat when u use a low b. the amp comes with 2 channals, the second one gives a good, well, lets say overdrive. when i want the total overdrive i use a boss overdrive (obc 3). it works perfect together and punshes the shit out of the weeping guitarmen- really
! -sorry till
there is one thing i do wanna tell u: the am is really loud, i men f**** loud. im my eys too loud. when u want to get a propper sound u have the volume up to 2 or 3 (depending). thats nice for huge stages, but not for 200 "men" clubs.
i am waiting for my sorado (200S) -thanks to mr. edbass!, and have never played a 2000s. maybe someone around can tell u how the dropped c / b works with it.
greetings oli
p.s. u can hear the setup on, song: subtitle