Author Topic: seeking advice-->ebay horror story  (Read 14066 times)

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Offline Mr.Golden

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2008, 05:13:29 pm »
It has been a long, long time since I last posted due to circumstnce more than anything.

I ended up getting some insurance money from the seller but he syphoned off some for long distance phone calls and gas to the post office in the next town. Thing is, all the calls were on my dollar. Me calling him.

Previous to this, I had called PayPal in to do my dirty work. The seller had not returned ANY of my PayPal emails. This was disconcerting to me so my hand was forced. I offered $400.00 USD for the wreck of the model T through PayPal. PayPal ruled in my favour but only gave me $200.00 USD of the $650.00USD I was seeking. As it turns out, the ebay account used was a relative of the model T owner. So, $200.00 USD was given to me from the wrong person. Furthermore, the person with the account that sold the model T to me was just ignoring my carefully worded emails as if nothing were to happen and the owner had know idea of this going on. A few weeks later I get a money order and it takes 14 business days to clear. The draft was for $510.00 USD. So now I am at $710.00 USD. I get a call from PayPal asking how much was portioned back to me becuase the ebay account holder is right pissed. I end up giving back the difference of what I orginally demanded so I am sitting pretty at a return of $650.00.

After this, somehow I feel as though there is a whole family in the SW United States cursing my existance. Then a healthcare bill pops out of nowhere. I had moved and the bills had not followed with the move until much later. There goes my model T money.

Regardless, it still goes into the tech's hands and he is a good friend so offers the "pay when you can" idea. This process begins last summer and is stuill going on today. We start by me taking the face plate, the grill and the wooden housing home to clean and work on cosmetic repair. I'm positive this thing sat in a SMOOOOOKEY basement for it's whole life. It had fine silt in every little wrinkle in the tolex. That silt took a couple of hours of hard scrubbing to get out. It's not even completely done, I just got fed up after a certain point. The grill was spot painted with gloss black and looked awful. I re-sprayed it with many coats of flat black to give it back a rich dark finish. I had a better conditon sunno))) faceplate from an empty vintage 4-12 cab and slapped it on. I then worked on the face plate with some soap and water to get the nicotine stain out of the aluminium. Tried windex first and it wiped away some of the letraset graphics(F###ING HELL). I went in and filled in what I could with a fine tipped pen. Everything worked well except when I began the sunno))) graphic. I quckley stopped at that point because the ink began bleeding. Oh well.

The amp...

A few months are taken off due to licensing issues with the tech. Crabby neighbours complainig to the city about the minute amount of dudes with amps coming around the tech's house. The model T sits awhile more...

The issue is resolved and we begin again.

I'm no tech but I'll try to explain this.

Well it turns out the cap job that the seller did was bogus. I believe the measurements for the parts were WAAAAAAY off. For instance, the component was supposed to be a 0.25V part but what was in there was 0.025. That measurement is 10 times off. We got 'er going the way it was wired just to see what this guy was doing and it sounded like craaaaap!

We foucused on just getting it going at first. The missing caps were of the 0.25V and apparently very difficult to find because they are not typically used anymore. Thankfully, an old radio repar shop in town was closing and my tech bought every componoent in the the old shop when it closed. Tons of NOS parts including the Black caps originally used in the model T. Next, we put it back together just to get it working.

This is just a few weeks ago. I find that we need to go back in and seriously scrutinize every part. I A/B the model T and my Sonic 2(200S) through the same cab. As I understand it, the model T is roughly 120-140 watts output and my sonic measures at about 73 watts. Funny thing is, the Sonic 2 is waaay louder. Even when the model T master is set to 10, it still pales in comparison. That is odd to me because the model T has twice as many of the exact same tubes. Both amps currently have Svetlana 6550s.

So I thought I would hold onto it in the meantime and play with it a bit just to get a feel for it. It distorts waaaaay sooner than I thought it ever should based on what I've read. Mind you, the distortion sounds good  but it is very limiting. On both preamps, we're talking overdrive at 2-3 and metal-town at 5. I thought this amp was supposed to have a dynamic tone range with nice cleans. I've also heard that any distortion box plugged into it would sound great but the amp I have currently does not need any help in the grit department. The last issue is the random loud background noise.

So I have a date with my tech and we're going to go piece by piece making adjustments to see what we missed. I'm pretty sure I have the only vintage model T in Edmonton, AB and this amp is new to him so it will be interesting to see what we can do.

If anyone can give some pointers as to how the amp should sound at stock, please speak. It is a first generation model T.

I'm thinking of putting in those reissued Genelex KT-88s. I know some may think they are garbage or a rip-off but I like what I've heard and they are made in Russia exactly to the original specs. And those new Tungsol preamp tubes are incredible. Super shimmering highs, smooth lows and rich mids.

I tried posting pics long ago but they were too big to upload. I'll shrink them down and try again.

Thanks again for the interest and support!!!



Offline Mr.Golden

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #43 on: March 01, 2008, 05:22:39 pm »
Also, after hearing the amp at stock, I may do some moding to make it more applicable for my uses if need be. I will be using this model T for bass and guitar. My tech is very good at that sort of thing but I am open to anyone's opinions on the subject.


Offline Mr.Golden

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2008, 10:07:21 am »
So here are just some of the photos I sent PayPal.

You can see where the grate was ripped right out of the box. Judging by the splitting in the wood, the screws used to hold in the rear bar as well as the grate were too long. The chassis was not bolted to the box and it's own unsecured weight was what shook it to pieces. It may have survived a bit more had it been secure.

You can also tell the by the shoddy paint job on the transformer how much the seller was trying to hide. 

Offline Mr.Golden

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2008, 10:12:41 am »
it's not even a good paint job.

Offline Lokibleed

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2008, 03:55:56 pm »
I'm horrrified, sorry for your troubles. Some people have no respect for works of art and beauty like the Sunn model T. I guess its our job to make sure the remaining model t's and S serie's stay in our collective hands and away from dirtbags like that guy. :mrgreen:

Offline pombagira

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2008, 02:59:01 am »
your story sounds truly appalling. I had two model t's sent to the UK using just priority international mail USPS and they arrived safe and sound. There is definitely something in telling the seller that you want him to pack the amp in the in an 18x18x26 box that way you can stuff some much shit in to protect the amp that it almost becomes bullet proof.
With regards to the distortion at low volume, it sounds exactly like the problem I had on my first gen model t when I went to renew the valves. In fact it turns out the bias needed to be reset and the valves were faulty. New KT-88's were put in and it sounds now as clean as a whistle even at high volume. You should also check what you output is on the amp, it should be registering at 150 watts plus at full volume. Some old unbalanced american valves I had registered close to 200 watts, now I know that isn't going to be possible with these russian valves but at least it gives you an idea on what ball park you should be looking at.
I hope you manage to sort all of this out, the sunn model t is the best amp ever made. 

Offline Oli

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Re: seeking advice-->ebay horror story
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2008, 07:00:59 am »

well, I thought the amp would be in a worse condition. All the wooden parts can be fixed, I don't see any problems here. I'm not quite shure about the english expression, but a guy with a "folding bank" can help U with the metal parts. Just be shure that the calp jaws are covered, otherwise your paintings will come off.

But I would check the transformers, I do belive they didn't like the extreme "shaking".

I know, U are a musican and U wanna play this amp but take it this way: U get new Input about electronics and how your amps works ... and maybe this helps U to improve your sound in the end (different resistors etc. etc).

I keep my fingers crossed - I'm shure U get it fixed! :-)


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