I am working on my 1000s power supply. I had to replace the power transformer and some bad filter caps. I have a schematic for the 2000s Power supply and it does not compare to what I see here in the 1000s. 2000s uses a 15Kohm and 33Kohm 2watt resistor for the "B" & "C" voltages (400v) (300v). My 1000s uses a 6.8Kohm and 6.8kohm for the "B" & "C" voltages. I have no schematic for the 1000s and do not know if this was a stock setup. Does any one know what the "A" "B" & "C" stock voltages were for the 1000s. Sunn Septre has some of the circuitry in common with 1000s. is this where I should be looking?