Hi Ed,
I've got some pics of the cabinet, but I'm not sure how to post them here. I can email them to you however if you want them? Whats your email.....
The dimensions are (H) 30" x (W) 24" x (D) 15" and are slightly deeper and larger than a Sunn 1x15, and deeper than the Sunn 2x15 cabinets too. With the feet and the wheels on the bottom it is about 3/4" taller than the 30", but the box itself is 30". Its just as deep as an SVT cabinet btw. The port at the bottom is 2 3/4" tall and as wide as the interior dimensions of the cabinet. It goes all the way to the back and then the Sunn setup is there on the inside with the rear loading boards. The 5" drivers are sealed so there was no need to make a seperate box for them. I did have to cut into the faceplate board on the backside so that the 5 inch speakers would clear and not rattle. I highly recommend the 5 inch speakers, or even better, some 6 inch. The crossover is the key, and I don't know the specs of what Conrad came up with on that, but I'm sure you could ask him. He's still got the LMS plot of my cabinet in his computer somewhere, but that computer is really old and doesn't have printing, CD, or thumbdrive capability. Need more info, just let me know!
P.S. I'm going to get rid of the oxblood grillecloth....I've grown tired of it and will probably go with some Sunn silver if I can find it.