Yes. You can run any two cabs in series to get an 8 ohm load. However, an 8 ohm load will cut the output power if the beta to 65ish watts with half of that going to each cabinet.
You could hook up all three, the 105's paralleled in series into the 205 for a 6 ohm load, but if that cuts the power to approx. 80 watts output, each 105 cab would be getting a whopping 13.3 watts, while the 205 gets 53.3.
You could hook up all three, the 105's in series paralleled to the 205, but you are getting a 2.67 ohm load, which I believe lower than the beta's output stage can maintain stable operation.
It might work, the wattage would probably be in excess of 100, just be careful of fire or shock and be prepared to replace the amp.