Author Topic: I don't get it  (Read 7826 times)

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Offline djc

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I don't get it
« on: May 11, 2008, 09:31:23 pm »
ok.  so I don't get it.  a Sonaro that seemed to be in at least working condition just sold for $294 on ebay.  currently with 11hrs left there is a 2000s at $400+.
what up with these prices?  they seem to go so high and now they are selling cheaper.  I expect that 2000s to go for around $1000 when a month ago they were going for $1500.  that Sonaro a month ago would have fetched $600.  thoughts? :|

Offline Johnny Guitar

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 09:44:51 pm »
I don't get it either!  :?  I just bought the Sonaro  :-D but was expecting it to go for more. I've paid close to $1000 for a 200S cab and thought I was fortunate to find one. I bought one a few days ago for $400 and now I don't know what they are really worth.  I guess it doesn't matter, I have a list of the amps I want and I think they will all continue to increase in value.  I get to have some fun  :-D untill I decide I need to sell them, I just wish it was more consistant.
Johnny Guitar

Offline EdBass

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2008, 06:01:14 am »
I don't get it either!  :?  I just bought the Sonaro  :-D but was expecting it to go for more. I've paid close to $1000 for a 200S cab and thought I was fortunate to find one. I bought one a few days ago for $400 and now I don't know what they are really worth.  I guess it doesn't matter, I have a list of the amps I want and I think they will all continue to increase in value.  I get to have some fun  :-D untill I decide I need to sell them, I just wish it was more consistant.
Johnny Guitar

I've been criticized on this and other forums for answering "what's it worth" questions by saying "whatever someone will pay". The truth is, any used merchandise is "worth" exactly that; whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.
It's usually influenced by supply and demand, and I think this Sunn/eBay thing is an example of that principle. Because of the spike in vintage tube era Sunn sales prices several months ago, everybody started posting their old Sunn gear on eBay trying to make some of that big money that was being paid.
Pricing stayed high for a while, but now the limited market for the old Sunn tube amps is saturated.
If everyone on this site posted all of their old tube Sunn gear on eBay tomorrow with no reserve, you could probably buy a 200S for $125.
Of course other market conditions influence this as well; in most people’s financial allocations the current economic situation has placed more emphasis on feeding your family and fueling your vehicles and less importance on buying vintage gear.
On the other hand, for those of us who have cash available, now is the time to go shopping.
Not just Sunn amps, real estate is being practically given away in some cases, and... if you ever wanted a full sized truck or SUV, now is the time!

Offline basiklybass

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2008, 06:35:36 pm »
Well put once again Ed.

Offline Isaac

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 12:35:25 pm »
"Not just Sunn amps, real estate is being practically given away in some cases, and... if you ever wanted a full sized truck or SUV, now is the time!"

Never wanted a truck or SUV, but I could do with some of that there free real estate!

Offline basiklybass

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 12:52:13 pm »
I have enough to do around mine.

A true quandry though, I have a lot of equity in my house and even at a reduced sale price will pocket a nice chunck of change. I would be looking to buy another of course. (Possibly getting married again.) So do I want the prices to be high to get even more? Or stay low so I can buy more for what I have? What to do....what to do? Of course, she'll have to say yes first.

Many things on Ebay seem to cycle their value. I have seen speakers rise and fall, as well as cameras, electrical parts, camping gear and a few others. It seems like a bunch of folks want stuff at the same time, the price goes up for awhile, then drops back down. I have seen a lot of Sunn amps and cabinets recently. Guess it's like the price of gas, it is the speculators that drive up the prices, not the actual value of the item.

Unless you really, really, really have to have it!

Offline cromag

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 02:37:30 pm »
"If everyone on this site posted all of their old tube Sunn gear on eBay tomorrow with no reserve, you could probably buy a 200S for $125."

could everyone please do this, i would love to buy some more amps.

in addition to everything that has been mentioned, i feel that the prices fluctuate so much because when person x sees an amp he wants, he will bid.  then person y wants the same amp.  this starts a bidding war and the price goes out the roof.  person x and person y are bidding against each other and niether will back down until the price skyrockets.  then the same type of amp goes up for bid and others aren't as interested in it and it sells for less.

Offline stanner

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 03:02:06 pm »
... then the same type of amp goes up for bid and others aren't as interested in it and it sells for less.

U sur am a genus

Offline wilddeath

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2008, 11:00:53 am »
nobodys got the money for amps anymore. its all going in the gastank!!   :evil:   

Offline cromag

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2008, 07:25:05 pm »
thatz cuz i'z a cromag :roll:

Offline Lokibleed

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2008, 07:54:48 pm »
 There's a nice sceptre up on Ebay right now I just wish I had the extra loot to spend on it. :x

Offline johnk

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2008, 12:05:27 pm »
IMO, Sunn's have been way under-valued for along time, and are finally getting their due. A vintage American, handbuilt point-to-point tube amp that is built this well and sounds as great as they do (they are the best, in my opinion) is a valuable thing to behold. I have sold three mint 190B's on ebay for $750 to $1000.00 in the last year, and some may say that is WAY too much $ for them, however, keep in mind that they were all 100% original, in mint condition, with NOS  GE or Tung-Sol 6550 output tubes and worked perfect. Look at the prices that the "boutique" companies charge for an 80 watt point-to-point amp with all American components and  it indicates what a value they are even at my (high) prices. And everyone that has purchased one from me has praised the amp that they received.

Right now, everything on ebay (and the rest of the USA) is very soft so its a buyer's market. If you've been "jonesing" for a vintage Sunn, now would be a good time to acquire one.

Lately, I have been selling alot of ebay gear overseas (Europe) since the dollar is worth so little right now, but once the economy picks up again (whenever that may be), I would expect Sunn amps to pick up where they left off and continue to appreciate in value. Quality is quality and that will never change.

If you look at the prices of a vintage Fender Deluxe Reverb or a Marshall Plexi, they are still quite high.  To me, they are way over-priced, and have been for along time. IMO, its about time us Sunn guys got a little respect since I prefer them over than any other bass amp---ever, and always will. I am in no way trying to inflate the value of these amps, but rahter just selling them for what I believe that they are worth (and I actually think that they are worth more than what I ask for them). And if one of them doesn't end up selling, I have no problem keeping it, as it wouldn't be the first time that i've regretted selling one of my Sunns for any price in the past.


Offline Oli

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2008, 03:25:04 am »

Lately, I have been selling alot of ebay gear overseas (Europe) since the dollar is worth so little right now, but once the economy picks up again (whenever that may be), I would expect Sunn amps to pick up where they left off and continue to appreciate in value. Quality is quality and that will never change.


jep, U are 100% right. I live in Germany and at this very time the amps are quite affordable... cos I have to pay extra for the p&p, the duty. And there is this horrible VAT of 19% on amp, p&p and duty (for an 400$ 200S U pay app. 160$ for p&p, app. 22$ duty plus 110$ for the VAT). But these amps are rellay woth every cent - the quality and the sound is really great.

Maybe in two or three years it's all the other way round and the $ is stronger than the €...we will see....



SUNN Sorado - 1969 / SUNN 2000S - 1970 / SUNN Sorado  - 1971 / SUNN 350B - 1973 / SUNN Coliseum 880 - 1973 / SUNN Concert Bass - 1972 / SUNN Concert Bass - 1979 / 2x SUNN 215B - 1970/75 / SUNN/SAD 2000S cab

Offline EdBass

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Re: I don't get it
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2008, 07:22:11 am »
A true quandry though, I have a lot of equity in my house and even at a reduced sale price will pocket a nice chunck of change. I would be looking to buy another of course. (Possibly getting married again.) So do I want the prices to be high to get even more? Or stay low so I can buy more for what I have? What to do....what to do?
If it's feasible, I would keep your existing house and buy another one for you and the new wife. If you are in a strong equity position in your current house, odds are that you could get substantially more in rent than your mortgage payment. You can keep (and grow as market conditions improve) your equity while developing a new positive cash flow.
Of course, sometimes renters can be "less than conscientious" with your property, but you always have the option of running credit and criminal checks, AND...I really don't want to sound like a heartless bastard, but the current economic trends have created a whole bunch of responsible renters out of foreclosed previous owners.
Hey, somebody has to make lemonade out of the lemons!
Many things on Ebay seem to cycle their value. I have seen speakers rise and fall, as well as cameras, electrical parts, camping gear and a few others. It seems like a bunch of folks want stuff at the same time, the price goes up for awhile, then drops back down. I have seen a lot of Sunn amps and cabinets recently. Guess it's like the price of gas, it is the speculators that drive up the prices, not the actual value of the item.
A used item has no value in itself, unless maybe you can burn it as fuel or eat it.
Here's a familiar line from used gear discussions past;
A piece of used gear is worth exactly what someone will pay for it.
Not what some pseudo "expert" thinks it's worth, unless that "expert" is making a valid cash offer for the piece. Talk isn't just cheap; it's free.
I get chaffed whenever I read posts referring to the value of a particular item; rather than post "it's worth around $300-$350", how about stepping up to the plate and offering $300 cash? THAT would have relevance
If you don't have the cash, who really cares what your "learned opinion" is?

OK, sorry to get so off track, all vented now...