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Offline EdBass

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2009, 02:00:06 am »
I have none to speak of, and it HASNT been because of me lowballing people.
I have had an ad on craigslist here in florida multiple times, they just don't exist for some reason.

The first rule of basic economics, my friend, Supply and Demand. 2000S rigs cost $2K in 1969; there weren’t a whole bunch of them in the first place. Almost all of them were owned by pro players.

Yes I understand they are elusive, but come on here, more than $500? Theres one for sale right now in CA for $150, so they aren't "platinum coated diamonds" by any means.

Well then; don’t snooze, buy the CA one.

I guess i'm not making many friends here, I'm already getting the rolleyes smiley. Theres no reason to start getting all defensive here. D-140's sell for about $150 a piece, regardless of what they came out of. So granted, $300 worth of speakers, and then a $300 wooden box. Even $600 would be fair. Any more than that would be rediculous, these aren't marshall plexi's, or hiwatts, or Fender Showmans. Yes we all love sunn because it's so friggin cool, and they sound GREAT, but only the ENTHUSIASTS spend that kind of money on them. There is no real demand for sunn gear, as nobody outside of us seems to know what they are, or they are enamored with the newest gadgets and gizmos. Nobody wants 35+ year old gear except for folks like us, and unfortunately, people inflate the prices artificially because of it. This is just the reality.

What is your point? Do you really think that you can rationalize and thereby manipulate the fair market value of vintage gear? "People inflate the prices artificially"? If it’s so cut and dried, just go ahead and buy the stuff for what you think it can be bought for, and quit hounding people who actually understand the vintage gear market.
For example; do you have any idea what your chances of actually getting a “proper” D140F are? There haven’t been factory recone kits available for several years, most of the “all original” ones have been beat down, and there are only a few reputable outlets for factory units with strong suspensions and they know what they have and price them accordingly.
Believe me, it ain’t $150 either.
Here’s another “freebie”; if you intend to pound your 2000S cab with the pile of transistor amps in your photo, even a healthy set of D140F’s will go south in a matter of days. You should consider K series at least (substantially more power tolerant but also getting hard to find un-thrashed, and also impossible to get factory kits for), or D or K motors and baskets with E series kits in them. Or easiest of all, EV EVM (“L” series are closest to D & K series tonally) or SRO’s, they will fit behind a 2000S’s port ducting, don’t have the vintage AlNiCo vibe, but will handle the "juice".
I work at a 1000 seat concert hall as an Audio Engineer, and I come across a lot of musicians. I tell them about my sunn gear and I hear a lot of nostalgia in their stories, but most admit they wouldnt use it today.
It's unfortunate, as I really am a Sunn enthusiast, and it's all i would EVER play through. I have 5 heads myself, and I just wanna find cabinets to mate to them. ( Coliseum 880, Coliseum Lead, Concert Lead, Concert Bass, Concert Slave)

Are you trying to convince a Sunn forum that the gear they love is obsolete? That no self respecting musician would actually use the gear? Or are you thinking you may guilt a 2000S cab owner into “donating” a cab to your cause?
Look, this is a friendly forum. I don’t think its “friendly” to rationalize or otherwise try to dictate market value in a venue that follows, and has followed for years, a specific marquee.
Do you also post on the Ampeg forum that you think someone should sell you a Blue Line SVT for $500 because “I work at a 1000 seat concert hall as an Audio Engineer, and I come across a lot of musicians... I hear a lot of nostalgia in their stories, but most admit they wouldnt use it today.”?

I swear if I had one here, I would make a clear measured drawing of it and share it with this community, which is all I really want. I realize these cabinets are rare, and I just want to build a couple to get a killer vintage sound to match my heads.I'm tired of the "hartke" speaker sound, and I want a vintage sunn sound. If I cant purchase one for a reasonable cost, then I guess I am screwed then. Such is life I guess.

Again, just pony up and buy the one in CA for $150, measure, draw it up, and post the dimensions.

Re-reading this thread, I don’t see where anyone has given you bad advice, or has tried to mislead you in your quest. This forum promotes the use and virtues of one the most iconic brands in Rock ‘N Roll, it’s just a little annoying when somebody bursts in with limited knowledge at best, and tries to dictate the market for personal gain.

Good luck with your quest; and if you manage to persuade the world market on vintage Sunn gear to drop to where YOU think it should be, let this forum know so that we can all go on CL and eBay to add to our collections.

Offline alcan60283

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2009, 09:02:26 am »
I guess I am still having a hard time understanding why I'm getting beaten up because you asked ME how much I thought I could spend on a 2000S cabinet.

Are you trying to tell me, if you could buy one for $500, you wouldn't grab it up? Would you really stand there and insist to the person selling it that you would pay more simply because it's what the "market dictates"??

Look, I'm a young guy, but I'm not stupid. I understand how vintage gear works, and the supply/demand for it. I have watched Ebay prices on sunn/hiwatt gear since 2001, when I  started playing bass. Over the course of almost 10 years I have noticed certain trends. For Instance, 9 years ago You could get a Hiwatt DR103 for about $800. Now you would be lucky to get one for less than $2000.

On The contrary, I have also noticed within 9 Years that Silverface Sunn Concerts have always hung around the $150-300 range for the heads, and I would know this because one of the concerts I have was purchased from Ebay. The Coliseums have always been in the $300-500 range. That doesnt seem to have changed much. Granted, I'm not in the "super rare tube" section of the sunn market, so my knowledge of it is limited at best, and I will admit that as such.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone to "devalue" their gear for my "personal gain", and frankly I'm offended that you've made such a sweeping character judgement on my behalf. I'm not a Shyster, and it seems like I've been made out to be one. I want to be a viable member of this community, I don't want to be black balled because I suggested a price for a cabinet. How would THAT be fair. Does EVERYONE who doesn't understand the "market" get shunned here?

Yeah, Coliseum 880's were almost $2000 when they were new as well, and there is a limited supply to boot, but If I were to sell mine, I wouldn't turn down a reasonable offer. I CERTAINLY wouldnt charge an inordinately unreasonable sum for it either.

I guess you and I differ EdBass, as it seems you are a "Purist" Collector at heart, and I am merely a "Player" who enjoys using the hell out of Vintage Sunn Gear. There are two different mindsets to that, and I Believe this is why we are clashing. To each his own, but from now on, I say, lets just agree to disagree ok?

And yes, I did already consider loading up some K140's into that cabinet. I kind of figured the D140's would be driven too hard by an 880, so that was on my list of things to do if I finally had a 2000S cabinet in my possession.

I appreciate the pictures and the advice so far, and If I do get that cabinet from the guy in CA, you can rest assured I will share the measured drawings with this forum. It's the only way I can think of to give back to the fellow Sunn Enthusiasts for helping me in the past.

Offline pickinatit

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2009, 10:24:09 am »
I don't see how $500 is unreasonable at all, in fact I think thats very fair. The heads go for about $1000 on ebay, and the cabs about $500.

Count on the JBL D-140's at $150 a piece, so $300 worth of speakers, which leaves $200 for a wooden box.

Lets be realistic here. Yes, we go apeshit over these 2000S cabinets, but thats because we are Sunn Enthusiasts, and worth is in the eye of the beholder.

Your analysis of "worth" doesn't seem to take into account that many desire to own one (or more) and very, very few ever come up for sale.
Supply & Demand, ya' know ?

Offline EdBass

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2009, 11:57:06 am »
I guess I am still having a hard time understanding why I'm getting beaten up because you asked ME how much I thought I could spend on a 2000S cabinet.

The reason I asked how much you would spend so that it would be out there if any of the members wanted to sell.
The problem is not your budget, it’s your insistence that someone/everyone should wake up, realize that this is obsolete, “$300 worth of speakers, which leaves $200 for a wooden box.”, and “Any more than that would be rediculous, these aren't marshall plexi's, or hiwatts, or Fender Showmans.”; and that someone should sell you one for what you want to pay.

Are you trying to tell me, if you could buy one for $500, you wouldn't grab it up? Would you really stand there and insist to the person selling it that you would pay more simply because it's what the "market dictates"??

Don’t be silly! I would try to buy it for $200, but… I wouldn’t be insulting and “all knowing” about it;

Any more than that would be rediculous, these aren't marshall plexi's, or hiwatts, or Fender Showmans. Yes we all love sunn because it's so friggin cool, and they sound GREAT, but only the ENTHUSIASTS spend that kind of money on them. There is no real demand for sunn gear, as nobody outside of us seems to know what they are, or they are enamored with the newest gadgets and gizmos. Nobody wants 35+ year old gear except for folks like us, and unfortunately, people inflate the prices artificially because of it. This is just the reality. I work at a 1000 seat concert hall as an Audio Engineer, and I come across a lot of musicians. I tell them about my sunn gear and I hear a lot of nostalgia in their stories, but most admit they wouldnt use it today.

Look, I'm a young guy, but I'm not stupid. I understand how vintage gear works, and the supply/demand for it. I have watched Ebay prices on sunn/hiwatt gear since 2001, when I  started playing bass. Over the course of almost 10 years I have noticed certain trends. For Instance, 9 years ago You could get a Hiwatt DR103 for about $800. Now you would be lucky to get one for less than $2000.

These kind of Hiwatts?

On The contrary, I have also noticed within 9 Years that Silverface Sunn Concerts have always hung around the $150-300 range for the heads, and I would know this because one of the concerts I have was purchased from Ebay. The Coliseums have always been in the $300-500 range. That doesnt seem to have changed much. Granted, I'm not in the "super rare tube" section of the sunn market, so my knowledge of it is limited at best, and I will admit that as such.

I’m one of the first to admit I know very little about transistor Sunn gear. I’m a Sundholm era tube kinda guy.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone to "devalue" their gear for my "personal gain", and frankly I'm offended that you've made such a sweeping character judgement on my behalf. I'm not a Shyster, and it seems like I've been made out to be one. I want to be a viable member of this community, I don't want to be black balled because I suggested a price for a cabinet. How would THAT be fair. Does EVERYONE who doesn't understand the "market" get shunned here?

I’m tired of capturing your quotes; suffice to say you have very laboriously berated Sunn gear in general, Whining about how a 2000S cab is $300 worth of speakers and a $200 box and it would be “rediculous” to pay more.
If it isn’t so that you can personally  buy one cheap (aka “under market value”), then what IS your point?

Yeah, Coliseum 880's were almost $2000 when they were new as well, and there is a limited supply to boot, but If I were to sell mine, I wouldn't turn down a reasonable offer. I CERTAINLY wouldnt charge an inordinately unreasonable sum for it either.
Look, I'm a young guy, but I'm not stupid.

Why on earth wouldn’t you get as much money as the market will bear if you sold your 880, or for that matter anything  you had for sale? That’s called “leaving money on the table” and I for one try to never do that.

I guess you and I differ EdBass, as it seems you are a "Purist" Collector at heart, and I am merely a "Player" who enjoys using the hell out of Vintage Sunn Gear. There are two different mindsets to that, and I Believe this is why we are clashing. To each his own, but from now on, I say, lets just agree to disagree ok?

I gig my Sunn gear regularly, and have since the 70’s. For the last few years I’ve been using a Reeves Custom 225 with an EV loaded 215S cab because it’s far more portable that one of my 2000S rigs, but I do pull out the big Sunns for large venues and outside work. The Reeves has definitely superseded any application I have for a DR201, but the big Sunn rigs are their own monster.

The “disagreement” comes from the condescending “know it all” demeanor of your posts. It truly feels like you are here to try to brow beat a 2000S cab out of someone.

For example:
Did you ever contact Bill Lee about building you one?
What about this one? Is it on its way to you from CA yet?
Yes I understand they are elusive, but come on here, more than $500? Theres one for sale right now in CA for $150, so they aren't "platinum coated diamonds" by any means.
Or, was this just a fabricated story you used to again further try to devalue the worth of 2000S cabs?

Here’s a couple of projects you might also enjoy:

Go to and post that the V4 is only a PCB POS, 7027’s are hard to find now days, none of the bands you work with at your venue in FL would use them, they used cheap CTS drivers in the cabs, so someone should sell you one for a couple of hundred bucks.

Then you can try going here and posting that the old Orange Matamp 200 was an underpowered piece of junk with shoddy workmanship that overheated so bad that Matamp had to send a tech from the UK over on it’s first tour with Fleetwood Mac in ’69. Also mention that none of the bands you work with at your venue in FL would use them. Explain ad nauseum about how there is no great demand for Orange gear and everyone should sell you there vintage heads for $400.

What kind of reception do you think you would get at those sites?

As I posted earlier; this is a very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable forum. It is, as you have probably noticed, a SUNN forum.  Everybody here would be very happy for you if you score a nice 2000S cab for $150.
If you play nice you’ll find a very congenial community here, however posting about how outdated, obsolete and therefore worthless    Sunn gear is won’t earn you much credibility on this forum.

Offline alcan60283

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2009, 03:00:40 pm »
Jeeze, you TOTALLY have the wrong Idea here.

I'm not trying to devalue sunn gear at all, I am actually a Sunn SLUT, and I praise it's name everywhere I go.

I am in contact with the gentleman in CA, its just the shipping thats going to kill me. But I'm prepared to do it nonetheless.

Lets just let all this go man, I'm not here to  make enemies, and I certainly dont want to do that.

Yes, THOSE hiwatts ( and they sure are sexy, wish I had one)

I actually had the opportunity about 5 years ago to get a DR201 for $800. Yeah, I should have got it when I had the chance.

Lets just all agree to disagree, and move along already. I will let you all know If I find one.

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2009, 09:20:01 am »
Maybe you could offer some people with a 2000s cab a couple bucks for their trouble to measure...or make a donation to the site or something.  I bet that might light a fire under somebody's butt!  Or you might also start with the basic drawing on the page and extrapolate on the given outer dimensions (kind of a best guess approach).  I'm sure people would correct you or at least give you feedback if you gave them something you'd been working on.  Remember that when these were designed it was without computers so think simple...45 degree angles, "round" dimensions, how much room do you need to fit the given parts etc.

If you're intent on buying one first thing is first, don't get it in your head that a rare cab like this is just gonna appear right by you.  I realise you were probably just stating that for convenience but these things are super rare so be glad to find one anywhere.  Case and point, I'm in Minnesota and sold a 2000s cab to a guy in California.  Moreover, I got $1100...and he was delighted to pay it because it was in immaculate condition and I was willing to play ball on shipping.  Granted, you will never see a sunn cab go for more than that for some reasons other people have touched on but maybe you should think about raising your budget a little.  I think your reasoning is good as a baseline (I do the same thing as kind of a sanity check) but with some of this niche stuff you just gotta put a little more cash into it if you're really dead-set on having it.

I'm hoping these thoughts are constructive and that you do gind your 2000S cab!

I did recently switch to an ampeg 8x10 cab and I'm very happy with it.  I swore up and down that I was a 2x15 guy for the longest time but I'm definitely diggin this ampeg with my 2000s head...for what its worth.

good luck!

Offline pickinatit

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2009, 11:12:06 am »
If you're intent on buying one first thing is first, don't get it in your head that a rare cab like this is just gonna appear right by you.  I realise you were probably just stating that for convenience but these things are super rare so be glad to find one anywhere.  Case and point, I'm in Minnesota and sold a 2000s cab to a guy in California.  Moreover, I got $1100...and he was delighted to pay it because it was in immaculate condition

I've been waiting about 3 yrs. for a fairly good condition 2000S cab to show up in my area (south jersey).  I may have missed some opportunities by not paying close enough attention during given periods of time,  but the opportunities seem to be pretty rare.
Noel,  your $1100 for a 2000S cab in immaculate condition doesn't seem like TOO much of a stretch to me if someone wants one these cabs bad enough.  I'm just being patient,  one will fall on me sooner or later  Ha Ha.

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2009, 12:28:52 pm »
The last time I remember seeing a 2000S cab was when Hendrix played the Memorial Coliseum in Portland. 1968?

Offline alcan60283

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2009, 01:34:29 am »
I actually DID offer the first person to come up with clear and accurate measured drawings $20 to their paypal account, and I'm still willing to offer that.

I'm not exaggerating when I said I would do it for free if I had one here, in my house, but I'm ok with paying someone to take the time to do that.

I'm not really after a museum quality piece, so I figured my estimate was fair for one in "well used" condition, which I'm sure most of them are in.

When these things were around in the 70's, and 80's, I'm sure no one figured they'd be worth a fortune, and thats probably why there are a shortage of them. I actually came across a story of a gentleman who had one in the 80's, and he threw away the cabinet (much to his dismay) and only kept the JBL's. He later remarked, "If only he knew it'd be worth something". I think a lot of these cabinets may have met this unfortunate demise. I know they didn't make a lot of these back in the day, but i'm sure they made enough of them. Just seems like there really isn't ANY to go around anymore.

I was not aware of this at the time of my first posting, so my judgement of the worth and value of the 2000S cabinet was flawed, and I can admit that. In fact, I'm sorry that EdBass and I had to butt heads at all. I lurked in the forums for a long time, and I always regarded him as very knowlegable and friendly, and I still believe that as such. I just want to say I'm sorry at this point, and that I was wrong. I'm extending and olive branch EdBass, and really appreciate the pictures of the cabinet you sent. They will come in handy, if and when I do build one.

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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2009, 01:01:34 am »
If you still need info and dimensions about the 2000S cabinets, you could email Conrad and ask him. He did design them after all, and he continues to build them for people, though you won't get one for $500 from him.


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Re: Need 2000S Cabinet Pictures/Drawings
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2009, 12:16:29 pm »
A few months back my buddy in Arizona purchased a Sunn cabinet off of Craigslist that was located in Minnesota. He payed the man via paypal and had to figure out shipping, so he decided the best route was to load it on a Greyhound bus! He ended up paying the cargo carrying price for shipping, it was cheap. When he got the cab, it was in great condition. Just a thought...

Best Wade.
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