I got 2 Sunn Beta 205's that I run in a dual rig, clean/dirty setup.
The bottom one has Eminence Beta 15a's, and the top one is a bit smaller than the bottom one? That has the original square backs. Bottom is clean and is being pushed by an Ampeg B2R w/ a Boss ODB-3 before it. The top is dirty and being pushed by a cranked Acoustic power amp, which is being pushed by this baby...
A Correct Sound Eclipse, which is a preamp based off a Sunn Concert Lead, it's made by a guy in Russia. That thing is killer!!! I run a Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz after the Eclipse, before the power amp.
I play that fretless P, a BEAD Warwick $$, and on it's way to it's new home, is a 70's Hondo Ric copy. Cant wait for that!!!