Edbass, Have been following your reviews and posts on talkbass as well with the Reeves amp and cabinet.
I'm curious how you feel the JBL E-140s sound in the Sunn cabinets vs the Reeves cabinet 1-15 since they are somewhat similar in design.
I would agree the D-140's with original cones are best with the lower wattage amps.
I’m more of an AlNiCo JBL fan, but based on my limited experience with the E-140 I’m sure it would sound just ducky in the Sunn cab.
The Reeves cab is indeed very similar in design to the Sunn 215S; well, half of a Sunn 215S anyway.
The driver is the key to the great reviews that the Reeves cab gets though. It’s been R&D’ed to death for over a year, built to spec for Reeves specifically for the application, whereas the majority of new “bass” cabs are just a generally spec’ed driver stuffed in a box that a quick run through WinISD says is appropriate.
I don’t have the experience to directly compare an E-140 loaded Sunn to the Reeves 115, but the new Reeves cab is the best 115 cab I’ve played; singing highs, creamy mids, and ultra tight, chest thumping bottom end. Absolutely amazing for bass guitar.
I guess for $799 it pretty much better be!