I did some research on it, and i would say it didn't look like one either except it obviously has never been touched on the inside. The grill has obviously been changed. But it looks almost identical to other sunn cabs i have seen. And if even has the little pads on the side like i have seen before. Its in the guitar section of the store but they don't know what it is but i think it may be a bass cab. Does anyone know what kind of speakers those are? Honestly i love sunn products and everyone i have heard has been awesome. but I'm only kinda knowledgeable about them. I really wish there was somewhere i could go to look at all sunn products. The cab is only $150 so its not a bad investment but i don't want to buy an okay cab for no reason because i already have a ton of good stuff. I just really dig that sunn sound and have always been envious of it over my Marshalls, and Soldano's. It has such a cool sound.