I also play an Orange - I have a Rockerverb 100 and Orange PPC412 cab. I have run the Beta and the Orange together before at a gig, it is sweet and I will be running the Enforcer and the Orange together also when maximum volume is required, and it always is. After I get the Enforcer rig together, I'm already figuring out what the next one will be (can't have enough amps!) and I'm thinking either a Matamp GT1, Orange OR120, Sunn Model T, or a newer Orange OR50. All of those are super expensive, but I've run across good deals on several of those over the past month. I mean after paying $350 for an Enforcer that just crushes, its hard to justify more than $1500 for another amp that will only be marginally better tone wise and hell, may not even be better. Do you post over at the Orange forum? I use the same name over there.
I have a ton of really shitty Beta clips on youtube, probably the ones you saw. I'm about to remove them all and post some better things. We got a better Webcam on a new computer so the quality will better and I think I'll actually work some things out before just picking up cold and playing. Some of them are REALLY bad lol